Why are Brazilians like this?

Why are Brazilians like this?

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looks english as fuck

why do brazilians do this
we have our brayans and it kinda stops there

I've seen many Hispanics with names like Anderson and Jaime. Brayans seem kind of rare.

anglo names are still rare over here, the stereotype is low class subhumans getting a misspelled Brian, but other than that you dont hear them much
I think Bolivia and the Caribbean in particular have a ton of anglo names for whatever reason

Anderson is a normal name. You have no idea how bad it gets.

the beard is worse than his hair

Based Brazilian

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jaime is not an anglo name

>anglo names are still rare over here

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This is an hispanic name

why are americans so stupid

not saying there are no weird parents going with anglo names, just that they're a tiny minority
had to go renew my driving license a few months ago and the place was packed
every time the screens up front called for a jonatan or a kevin or a maicol, a bolivian stood up, could tell by the accent too

Shit like Anderson doesn't even registers as an anglo anymore, it's thoroughly ingrained in Brazilian culture already

It's fucking Nordic you dipshit

He probably thinks the name came from GoT.

where do you think Anglos came from you fucking retard?

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āll løok same

In Britain that wouldnt be too unlikely seeing how adults have managed to make fictional characters the #1 go to inspiration for their new baby's name.

>Proves me right
Africa according to the latest scientific findings.

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To the uneducated double digit window licking lisp having niggers im sure they do.

dutch and anglos are the same people though

>n-no you dont understanf my rotten fish dish is t-totally different from that guy's fermenting s-shark
do wy ppl rly?

>dutch and anglos
Pretty rich coming from a Turk.

>Food meme
>VOC is the only reason niggers know of spices
>Unironically uses the meme
user please stop, your country can barely survive as it is.

why do you deny it though? all germanics are the same

No, rape baby.

yes dude.you are

that was literally a fake article you fucking retard, how are you still saying this

Don't care.

>p-pls aknowledge my ancient culture and heritage
lol youd need to have one to begin with, talk to you later nerd