Close the economy

>close the economy
>get a job
Do american really?

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He's right. Protestors should shut the fuck up and go work as an Uber Eats driver or something if they want to work so badly

He's right. When I got furloughed I applied to work at a grocery store and got it because of all the demand. We were hiring up until a few days ago.

Literally every grocery chain is hiring. Amazon is hiring a quarter million workers to deal with the surge in sales.

im still workin

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He's right. Protestors should shut the fuck up and go work as a shitposter or something if they want to work so badly

I have a feeling most of the protesters have never had to work a shit job in their adult lives and wouldn't last a day in a minimum wage role.

Minimum wage is for retards and subhumans.

As an essential worker. Yeah that sounds good we need people.

t.sheltered upper middle class parasite

most of the protesters probably have a pension. what they really want is for the wagies to get back to work cutting their hair, busing tables and running the film projectors

delete this

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Theres no shortage of work to be done....
only question is...if you are laid off you get $600/wk in NEETbuxx+whatever you normally get from the State

Lot of the protesters look young-ish to me (or not old enough to be retired), then again some people were saying its "astroturf" aka paid from gun rights or russians or whoever

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>telling people to snitch on each other
new york is a joke

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Those guys might have to sell their operator cosplay gear if this quarantine goes on much longer

this nigga is based on so many levels

t. subhuman retarded inbred moron who is too much of a loser to get a real job and insteads blames the "rich"

Pure Michigan

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based and redpilled

I hate MAGAcultists

how is canada handling things? any of you leafbros mind sponsoring me for a visa because this country is spinning out of control

pretty sure you'll be able to apply for asylum soon if the US keeps doing what they are doing.

pretty sure canada is even more fucked because of third world tier economy based on commodities.

No Americans allowed FUCK OFF

>durr just work at minimum wage when you used to actually be able to pay your bills

Working from home sucks. Fuck the elderly. We're going to wait this out and then we'll quarantine again a month later when it starts back up again. Let's just get it over with already.


I mean, I don't think a few meme-tier protests are "spinning out of control". If you clutch your pearls at every meme-tier thing that happens in the world, you'll never ever be able to live your best life.

You get $600/wk if you are laid off due to corona

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We won't be doing any better in a few months. Hard times ahead for everyone.

>pay your bills
you have renter's rights you know

please help me, i'll do anything. i'll even pretend canadian maple syrup is better than vermont maple syrup

as opposed to not working and making nothing to pay your bills with?

We don't actually care about maple syrup. I just use fucking Aunt Jemima's that's how little that shit matters

>You get $600/wk if you are laid off due to corona
If you're self-employed, you can just say you're not earning enough because of corona and collect gubbermint gibs until they expire in July, kek.


Sorry but this triggers my autism...its a lockdown/stay at home/~stay home stay safe~, theres no quarantine whatsoever going on.

Literally this. If I was a low tier wagie I'd be begging to get fired cuz $600/week for doing jack all is lush

I do jack all for free every day....fuck!

yes the aunt jemima's is my favorite too. visa please

In my state you don't even have to provide proof of income to get gibs. Just digitally attest that you're self-employed and have been adversely affected by coronavirus, and you're automatically approved to get a couple hundred per week from the state plus $600 per week from the government. You only have to provide income evidence if you want more than the weekly benefit.

I graduate from university next week and am making more money from gibs than I would've if my employer hadn't cancelled my job offer due to COVID

I been to Ontario its literally just expanded Michigan. No idea if the Governor of Ontario tried any Michigan-tier lockdown orders or not