What is the most third world experience you lived?
I pooped in the woods when I was fishing a kid and cleaned my ass with tree leaves. Also, I swimmed naked because I did not had more than 2 pieces of underwear. I still never used a vacuum cleaner or a bathtub even today.
What is the most third world experience you lived?
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I have drank vodka with homeless man while we were sitting on bench at 11am half naked.
i was born in russia
>small house next to my school got raided for manufacturing meth
>Had to get a hazmat team to clean up the place
It was kino. Happened during my chemistry class too
What a fuck man. Some places in USA make me rethink how bad Brazil can be.
my birth
I live in Montana, it's basically the American version of Eastearn Europe
I invaded a marriage at a church just to take a piss at the bathroom. I had just returned from a party and was looking like a drunk bum. The marriage was of some rich fags, since the church was very famous in the city but it was the only bathroom I found close to the bus station.
A hazmat team? What is so dangerous at meth production? Brazilian don't use that much drugs, incredible. Only coccaine and pot for richfags and a crack for poor.
during a snowstorm, while pulling out of a burger king in the ghetto, I gently crashed into another car being driven by a black guy. We rolled out windows down and started talking and another black guy walking down the street looked at our cars and told us we were good
Two police man kinda started to fuck with me when I was waiting for a bus at 4AM in a really shitty place, then one left and and I stayed with one that was really old and started talking about trans prostitues and how they looked exactly like women and that it got his dick really hard because they knew how to suck dick better than real women, then he asked me if I wanted to hook up with one because he knew some, at that time I was like 15 or 16.
what do you mean?
Those green areas in the US is what makes your country nice.
This trailer thing. Why it happens? Even the poorer brazilian have some kind of house. It is shitty, yes. But why trailers?
I want to sex her
Cheating with trannies is practically national sport here for boomers.
Watched a friend of mine smoke methamphetamine with a 14 year old and his skinhead junky family in the bushes behind a McDonald's in urban shithole, California
Another buddy of mine had to stick his deadbeat alcoholic dad in the trunk of his truck while he (illegally) drove him home because he stunk like booze and would have gotten us in trouble with the law. It wasn't even past 3pm.
Once spent eight hours helping another friend of mine strip copper wire off electronics he found in some dumpsters, then burn the plastic bits off so we could take it to the metal scrap depo to get money for smack and crack.
Fucked multiple girls on public beaches in broad daylight, got walked in on, and kept going.
Buddy of mine killed a bear with a wood-axe when it attacked his dog.
Worst part, no. I am from the amazon.
The most requisite prostitute at the biggest brothel in my city was a crossdresser. According to the rumors.
When I was 13/14 years old, I was asked out by gays like 10 times or even more, I was once chased by a tinted car in the night, a homo even showed me his dick from a distance one time. Bedouins and niggers are such subhumans.
I once helped a blind man plow a field with horseplough.
I spent 9th grade of high school living in a tent while trying to hide it from people at school, which was a living hell. Have also spent the past 8 years on and off living in caravan parks and would consider even the shittest single room flat and stable part time job to be unrealistically oit of reach. The last time I laid down on a nice mattress for a deep, comfy sleep was on the 25th of July, 2009. That was also the last time I felt, for a moment, comfortable being alive.
Producing methamphetamine creates highly toxic and flammable gases. It is common that stupid drug dealers are killed by their own meth lab exploding.
I had to steal 2 AA sized Energizer batteries on a local market just to be able to play a poorly translated Pokemon Gold version on my Gameboy Color.
I fugged my cousin
>I pooped in the woods when I was fishing a kid and cleaned my ass with tree leaves.
Tbh who hasn't? Ive done that too while hiking.
I drove around randomly while drinking and getting a blowjob. I've done this several times.
How everything has gone so wrong in your life, man?
It is a house on the inside. We even have some class rooms that are trailers.
traveled on a bus that had a leaky radiator, the driver had to stop every two hours, get to a nearby river or stream, fill up some bottles, refill the radiator tank and continue lmao it was a 8 hours journey that originally was supposed to take like 5
Patagonia is based
Well. What you call "hiking and fishing" was my weekly event to get food. I lived in a farm for some years.
>overclocking gtx 480
He knew the risks.
I almost shit myself while on a hike in the mountains. Found a path that looked closed off and dangerous. When I felt safe and felt like I was going to explode I took a dump and felt awful. I had no toilet paper. I used leaves from a bush to wipe. One of my worst experiences
That is not third world. That is just being a chad.
Faces of Yas Forums
A series of unfortunate events, I guess.
cheaper than buying a real house or renting an apartment. also building your own house requires buying land, materials, and either paying for labor or having knowledge and free time to build it yourself. so poor lazy people live in flimsy shacks that can be blown away in a tornado.