Subsaharan africa is a shithole with mud huts

>subsaharan africa is a shithole with mud huts

>africans lived in mudhuts
>post pics of african architecture
>no, they're crap (post some european cathedral)

>africans are dumb and never invented nothing
>post the nsibidi and other african knowledge like the timbuctu libraries
>nah, all that shit came from the arabs

>africans are poor
>post Mansa munsa estimations of wealth
>nah, he didn't do shit with his gold

>africans have low IQ
>post Igbo IQ (107)
>nah, that's a lie

>africans can't have a developed nation
>post seychelles and botswana (same HDI as chile)
>nah, those are shitholes

Attached: 1521564031169.png (402x398, 126.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

White people are the dumbest race in the world

Chile is developing nation, not developed nation



American blacks get their aggressiveness from white heritage

cherry picking at its finest

Colombian women are made for BBC

People here are legitimately retarded and americanized as fuck when it comes to black people. How a pole or a russian doesn't cringe internally when he calls a black person nigger is a mystery to me.

black real average iq is 200, whites are keeping black down with magics

This is from a nation where the average IQ is 59

Attached: FADACD40-EC6E-46C6-BBA2-298349FE2E45.jpg (1032x581, 59.75K)

>this 20sq km landfill is disgusting
>wow look someone's gold ring fell into the trash and ended up here
>the landfill is still trash tho.

Source for quote?

>timbuctu libraries

>Igbo IQ (107)

>seychelles and botswana
a micro island of 80,000 in the middle of the ocean, and an aids ridden small country of 1m with diamond as economy


and making big generalizations like they didn't invented nothing and they don't have history and lived in mud huts isn't also some cherrypicking from being iliterate?

look up african history on google.
plenty of information.

90% of the economy is owned by 1% and 99% of the economy is because of oil
it's actually the worst country on earth when it come to wealth inequality
also, they don't have an iq of 59

Igbos are the smarter subrace of blacks, nigger.

their kids outperform whites kids on school when they inmigrate to the UK and america.

Ironically they're also jews.

Africans living in mudhuts isn't even that bad. They're native to the environment and surviving with how nature built them.
Scandinavians and all Europeans lived similarly to "niggers" before civilization occurred in the Middle East. it's a racist meme is all it is. I don't care if they live in mudhuts, neither should you

30 seconds of research will tell you that austronesian people got there before blacks and travelled 10 times the distance

Do you have a study about this 107 iq? Using some tiny minority of elite expat studying in western university is stupid.. the average iq there would have to be ajusted to fit a guassian distribution

At their level of developpement, the west had an iq of 85 btw. Nigeria didn't even reach it early flynn effect phases.

they're still black

don't know a journal study that can confirm it, but I've seen people claiming Igbos have a higher IQ than whites.

Which makes sense, because they're jews (black jews).

yeah, but they're recognized jews by israel.

The population is mixed race.

You can't use the IQ of few thousands elite students that had the opportunity to leave their country to study in the west.

The average IQ of the 30 millions of igbo is most likely around 75-80. With the flynn effect, in few decades, should be around 90-92.

Go back to wakanda tyrone

dude, do you know right that its full of not-blacks in africa buying everything that was not bougt by euro?
99.9% of the country is just shit as well, again
>cherry picking at its finest

Why is so weird that a group of black jews have high IQ?

do u even know why jews have high IQ in the first place?

Because they marry their daughters to the smarter boys in their tribe.

never, populations is growing too much, they will lack resources even more and also nigeria for exmaple depend a lot on oil which is going to be even more worthless in the furure.

The way historians treat Mansa Musa is weird. He was the leader of an empire, and when we calculate his net worth we calculate the wealth of the entire empire, which is something we don't do with other historical rulers or with current ones. It's like if you calculated Donald Trump's net worth by measuring the GDP of the United States. It's just a quirk the world agreed upon so that we could let Africa have the world's richest historical figure; meanwhile in the real world the richest African is Elon Musk.

Igbo jews are 0.01% of igbos, the fuck you're talking about.

>do u even know why jews have high IQ in the first place?
It's a complicated matter, far beyond the comprehension of non scientists. It's most likely mostly their environnement and education. (people of the book)

I literally told you retard.

Jews have the custom of marrying their daughters to the smarter boy they find on their friends.

Being smart makes you climb the jew social ladder fast.

The fertility rate is getting lower and it will get lower each year until it reach 2-2.5 circa 2050-2060 most likely.

It's true that Nigeria is still mostly dependant on oil but the flynn effect is observed in many african countries (such as kenya etc.), they gain IQ points every years due to better nutrition, education etc.

Didn't he own the goldmines? He had so much gold that the even a tiny amount of what he owned and brought with himself to the middle east destroyed the value of gold for like a decade.

It's not like trump, his own personnal wealth was extremly high.

>Didn't he own the goldmines?

Yes, in exactly the same way that the Kings of France owned Île-de-France and the rest of the royal demesne. Like I said: when we calculate the wealth of historical figures we do not include leaders of states and their imperial/royal/presidential assets as a part of their net worth; except with Mansa Musa. He is an exception that popular culture has arbitrated so that Africans can feel good.

>The fertility rate is getting lower and it will get lower each year until it reach 2-2.5 circa 2050-2060 most likely.
also why is that african american iq is still 85? despite being clearly richer than africans in africa or even slavs in eastern countries?
people need to accept that there are difference between races and even ethnic group (see ashkenazi jew)

Attached: africaPopGrowth.png (1234x852, 86.73K)

those african projections don't take into account how fast can a birth rate drop.

Latinoamerica birth rate in the 80's was 5-6 children.
Today is 2.1

this the best though

>africans have no history, literally nothing but niggers in mudhuts
>post Aksum Empire, Mali Empire, Ghana Empire, Songhai, Kingdom of Kongo, Kilwa Empire, Oman Empire, Somali States, Nubian Dynasties
>lol thats shit let me post my HRE

>also why is that african american iq is still 85?
it isn't, that's a pol meme. It's going up, despite the not so favorable environnement (criminality, shitty education, poorer acces to education, shit black culture, shit families and dozen of other factors)

people should stop using pol memes as arguments.


Attached: satScoreINcomeRaceUsa.gif (276x315, 28.78K)

>african american iq is still 85
It's risen.

Explain what?

It would be impossible if diferent races had the same IQ, the issue is if we can improve the black IQ to a point where they can function properly in society.

Just like most african kids suffer from starvation, which decreases their IQ.

The western world peaked in the early 20th with an average IQ of 70.

Even if it wasn't, doesnt mean that much.
The IQ of white europeans (finland, norway etc.) is dropping since few years too, because of non defined reasons, seems like western world is living in a negative flynn effect era.

I haven't seen much evidence of that according to non-political sources.

average white IQ on 1905 using today standarts is 65.

It's very similar to how the tallest countries a century ago were 1.70mts

>site claim they gained some points
>dont claim its higher than 85
>pol memes as arguments.


>Twin studies of adult individuals have found a heritability of IQ between 57% and 73%[6] with the most recent studies showing heritability for IQ as high as 80%[7] and 86%.

lets say its 50% instead, better education it will descrease the gap a little for sure, but lets not claim it going to go from 68 of somalia to 100 in 50 years

for exemple. The study make it clear that it's about white people losing iq points.

depend on the country, but it was around 65-70.
but people weren't retards, just thinking in a different matter

The UN population projections have been criticized recently by a growing number of experts. Fertility rates are dropping faster than expected all over the world, even in Africa. Many population experts are saying that we'll probably peak at just below 9 billion by mid-century and then start to decline.