holy BASED...!
Holy BASED...!
Fucking ugly whale
based dude in the sunglasses giving the doctor encouragement.
The interior of this country really is another world. I live in Maryland and I haven't seem anyone outside without a face mask in two weeks
and corona
>The virgin redneck whale vs the chad doctor
Even the blacks?
did he cough in his face?
Why would he be around blacks, user, that's dangerous!
Only boomers and paranoid millenials wear masks outside where I live. The masks don't actually help that much btw , it's the N-95 respirators that actually work and even then you need to change them daily and only have a maximum filtration success rate of 95% at maximum performance.
PPE should go to healthcare workers first desu
If everyone wears a covering, it greatly reduces the chances of carriers passing it on. It's working for NY.
Arent the masks useless if you are not infected? I thought the ones who should be wearing the masks are the sick ones so they don't infect others.
Lmao fuck the USA
Fun fact.
It's strictly forbidden to walk around using your "med cloths" because you could introduce bacteria and virus inside the hospital.
Unfortunately, some duchebags do it anyways because they want to be seeing as doctors...
>It's strictly forbidden to walk around using your "med cloths"
No it's not
>are we the baddies?
Only mildly. Social distancing is far more important. Like I said, anything but a N-95 doesn't really do much. Surgical masks are actually made to keep surgeons from contaminating their patients not the other way around and face coverings essentially just somewhat reduces the total viral load you are exposed to.
Not useless, they're more like a secondary measure to prevent you from becoming infected. It takes a certain concentration of a virus to actually cause an infection and what masks do is mildly filter what you breath to the point where it reduces the "viral load"
Under normal circumstances, that would be the case. But now, you're not sure who's sick with the corona until tested.
That said, it provides partial protection, covering two out of three of the orifices that can get slobbered on when someone coughs, leaving the eyes exposed. The remainder is a matter of exercising sufficient discipline, like not rubbing your eyes or washing your hands immediately after coming home.
Surgical masks are actually made to keep surgeons from contaminating their patients not the other way around
That's the idea of wearing them if you are ifected but don't know it yet
This except social distancing is beyond retarted
Pretty much, but even makeshift masks help somewhat and surgical masks still do prevent some exposure and provide minor amounts of filtration. Honestly they're more useful in preventing infection by the fact that they prevent you from touching your nose or mouth
based whale
This is surreal, what do Americans overall think of this shit? the fuck
I wonder what is going through that Chinese doctor's mind when she screams that shit at him. Does he regret emigrating to the US (or maybe he was born there) and saving lives of people like her?
They think they are fucking lunatics, but as the last election proved, majorities count for nothing in the US.
Asian-Anything is honorary white until they are not.
>what do Americans overall think of this shit?
this picture will be universally recognised by the name of tianmutt square
Middle America is literal subhumans
do americans really believe they're free?
Based maryland bro. My local parks are still open for exercise
Don't you know that's the REAL america, you commie?
This screenshot sucks. There's another one with his stupid Faceobook posts.