How the fuck are they so good at english

how the fuck are they so good at english

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Gotta be good at something besides soccer

We are not, lol. Most of Brazilian posts carry several grammar errors.

wait for it...

>muh grammar
Imagine being a faggot


out of spite

why are they so hateful? Every time an african flag posts they attack them

I am not, but my butler is.

We are? Thanks, user. But is probably because a lot us had to learn english by ourselves ebcause education here is shit. So, chans, games and things like that to learn. But most of people here are exceptions. The average brazilian knows nothing of english even with all the tourism.

we have even a meme for the brazillian archetype english speaker
We say that in brazil most people speaks "inglês para joguinhos".
At a loose translation it's something like "english which you use to game online".
So most brazillians have some meager knowledge that can be comparable to a pajeet trying to scam your granny on her e-mail.
Although, I have to say that everything i've learn started when I used to play Tibia.
I think I should've stick to the Polish friends I had there and learned Polish instead of English.

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You really didn't added anything to what OP said.
Fucking nigger.

why are brazilian posters so agressive?

Shitty life makes everyone agressive. The lockdowns are not helping.

High testosterone.

Pre-emptive attack. Most people hate brazilian posters, so we attack first. Isn't it obvious? And most attacks on Yas Forums against brazil involve racism, ironically by people who think they aren't racist. Might as well call Yas Forumsernational faggots niggers as well if they keep calling you a monkey and think that's just being cute.

too much alcohol

I rather deal with real racists. Just tell them to suck nigger cock or something. It is not like Europe or USA are much better than us nowadays racially with all the cucking.

>agressive, high test and low iq
>not brazilians

>how the fuck are they so good at english
They’re not.

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Nice english, Benito.

>Most people hate brazilian posters,
change "brazilian"| any nationality and its true as well, anyone get shit by others here.
tu tá de brinqueition with me?

When I make mistakes it's because I type really fast and the automatic keyboard fucks the words... So sad, can I get an F?

I don't think we live in the same country, ma nigga.
All my life I've seen racism all around at a point that was pretty normal and actually right to you know dislike people of colour.
My whole family used to make racist comments and stuff about niggers and it was normal as fuck.
It's probably like in the past 10~~15 years or so that started this trend about being not racist.
We probably didn't even had any law against that in the 90s ~~2000s.
Racism was a very common thing in Brazil and still is somewhat acceptable in traditional families.
I think any brazilanon who doesn't agree with that must've live under a rock or in some fucking native indian village or something

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omg omg omg a grammar nazi, please dont insult me, please ;(

Lmao that was a good one bong

Stop replying nigger faggots y’all embarrassing me

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Not in the same way. Indians were pretty much run out of the board because of poo in the loo posting. Turks were so traumatized after being compared with cockroaches for half a decade that some became post-ironically and obsessively anti-white and anti-european. Some flags get even worse treatment, and brazilians aren't even treated that bad compared to a few others. You have to be a complete narcissist not to notice this.

No, I enjoy being banting. Just bully them back. Muuh, "racism"is just soy people thing. Fuck the modern society.

>be me
>not good at English
>put 'inglês intermediário' in CV
>Called for interview
>interview in English

I'm actually trying to learn Italian nowadays.


"turks compared with cockroaches"
any normal human after reading the same insult for days just stop caring.
during the initial coronachan outbreak it was "all italy shit italy 3 world" "why are there so many death in italy compared to the glorious germany/france?" ecc. yet i have never complained. i got angry and started explaing the: "we are older, you are just some weeks behind ecc.", yet people kept making thread over and over, after a while i just stopped caring.

>Italian nowadays.
why? italian is useless

If you can't learn English, don't bother with italian.

do you REALLY get angry over some fat autistic people calling you some bad words only over your country flag?

'Cause of

>Muh heritage

trieggered for sure. i started vising Yas Forums only when the quaratine started, i actually had a life before. obviously now i dont give a shit anymore
thread's theme

how many pasta grandparents do you have?

>during the initial coronachan outbreak
That's more temporary than what brazilians, indians and turks have dealt with. You'd understand if you actually had browsed this board for more than a fucking week. Shitalians were never really ganged up on too much here.