1 in 5 americans doesn't believe in God

1 in 5 americans doesn't believe in God

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Seems like a more reliable explanation than an intrusive sky daddy who wants you to stop fapping

im surprised its only 1
would you if you lived here?

Abiogenesis hasn't been fully explained.

A god if one exists needs no explanation. If we originated from molecules there is a real question how?

I am not religious.

The study of abiogenesis aims to answer that question.

Religion is for old people, incels and brownies
We have XXI century and should think about more rational things

Not high enough

The only thing sadder than an atheist is a believer.
People who are deeply spiritual without being religious? Now that's what I call based.

How do you separate religion and spirituality without it being faggy new age shit?

I’m going to go back to the church when quarantine is over.

Christianity is dying out in this country, most people are atheists without even knowing it

State-sponsored atheism is the solution to crushing religious fundamentalism.

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People are weak, they can't stand living in doubt so they pick up an ideology and stick to it.

How do i convince girls that my cum is good for their hair roots

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where Norway?
Isn't it the only western nation with Christianity as its official religion?

Norway isn’t in the EU retard

This. half of the remaining are holiday Christians

80% of ameridoops still believe in a sky fairy hahahahaha oh no no no

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>god made us and everything arround us
>where did god came from? I have no idea...

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Just don't be a faggot about it, read some texts, practice some stuff moderately and hide your power lvl. If someone asks you about religion or beliefs just say "Yes" and don't try to debate

Literally me

As an admitted brainlet with only a YouTube understanding of biological science, my theory has always been that life popped up as a result of the natural progression of stars creating more and more complex elements and molecules as they gradually exploded consolidated in to new solar systems. But then some few of these 2nd generation solar systems managed to combine molecules in just such a way that life was created. But them they would also explode and send life further in to the galaxy in a 3rd generation of stars. And this phenomenon of life was further filtered by the need for basic single celled organisms exploding in to the outer system needing a planet which they could actually thrive for some 4 billion years until the point that they could reach a stage of sentience. And that’s what Humans are. And that’s why supposedly it “took so long” for the universe to actually arrive at the point of us. And perhaps there is other sentient life, but it was also incapable of forming until well in to the history of the galaxy’s history.

way more than that

Only one in every 10 people alive today is non religious, Athiests are still actively persecuted in most non first world regions

What created the stars? What created space and time and brought forth the light? The universe necessitates an observer whether any atheist likes it or not and its highly improbable that we live in a universe without one

>. And perhaps there is other sentient life, but it was also incapable of forming until well in to the history of the galaxy’s history.
I actually looked at this a while ago. There is a good chance that we are the only intelligent life in the universe, as the earliest timeframe for life to pop up isn't actually that long.

Who knows? And maybe we’ll never know. I don’t exclude the theory that a God could have began everything. And maybe that God enjoys fucking with us. But theories about what created the universe without some proof or at least some hard logic of are just pissing in the wind.

Where specifically did you find this information?

They have high IQ

>The universe necessitates an observer
>its highly improbable that we live in a universe without one
And the idea of a personal god is still the most inane bullshit humans have ever invented.