How was your private education?

How was your private education?

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unironically worse than my public education

Like that


It was decent I guess. Catholic schools do much better than public ones.

never went to private school in my life, mom even asked me if I wanted to, but I refused

based non sissy

>They need private schools to get good education

because i went to a very bad private school until i was 14, then i went to one of the best public schools in the country


Threadly reminder that South Americans on this board who hold strange reactionary beliefs about racial hierarchies and are sympathetic to fascist tendencies are part of their rich and privately educated upper class. They live in big mansions with maids and butlers, and are more often than not creepy religious fundamentalists. They look down on their fellow citizens and would sell out their own country and all its riches to foreign multinationals and the neoliberal status quo while still calling themselves patriotic. They are members of their oligarchy and are afraid that someone is about to redistribute 'their' wealth that are the result of their greedy thievery. They are a kleptocratic class of parasites that has to be utterly purged and annihilated in a violent uprising if any state in South America is to achieve social progress.

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It was really good. I was by far the worst performing student in my class but I still got to go to a pretty decent uni. Most of my classmates are high/mid-high performing from public or poor private schools.
My knowledge as a shit student at my school is comparable to that of a high performing student from a public school
>Poor countries are shit
Nice catch bro

idk, i went to public school. When I was in high school a classmate stabbed a teacher.
In shitholes like Chile, it's very important where you came from. It's the most classist country in LATAM, and if you went to a private school and paid a lot of money in a ""good"" university, your future is assured, even if you don't know shit.

How did uni go for you if you?

Yes. I only studied two years in public school. Didn't learn shit and the teacher was absent half of the year.

>t. INcel

I'm still on it and I'm doing good enough. 4/5 semester approving all my classes

You all went to private school or had the chance to do it. Would you say you are upper middle class in your country.

just middle class

i'm a poorfag who had to pay for his own braces and take 10K in student loans. Stop fantasizing about all latams on Yas Forums being pampered richtoids

Why did you have private education then?

I never went to a private school, didn't have the money for it, stop assuming things


Most in this thread went to private educaton, you are just an outlier. Everyday my theory that LATAM Yas Forums posters are not poor becomes truer and truer.

Stupid, everybody who made it was in cram school, everybody who had good grades in english was taking classes elsewhere.

lol all africans, latam and asians flags are rich dudes living off their parents except japan.

why are firsties so naive of the world

Your entire country has just 5.5 million people. It’s effectively in and of itself a private institution.

you are not helping chicano

South American Yas Forums posters in general are not bottom of the barrel, those people use facebook as do the most succesful ones. There must be a bunch of underachievers and people that are well off. Rich? Doubt it.

>It's the most classist country in LATAM
It is not, try being a cholo in peru, or worst a chilean high class trying to mingle with the peruvian high class

Yeah, I am not a snowflake. Public school and Public College here.

middle class in lima (capital).
upper class compared to the rest of my country.

Not all private schools are expensive. Many are affordable to lower-middle class families

Suck my balls spic, as if I give a shit about helping whatever point you’re trying to make. I’m making the more important point of micronations lecturing actual countries of the hurdles of administrating a huge populace is willful ignorance.

Never went to a private school.
My GF study her entire life in private schools, tho.