I'm seeing a trend here
I'm seeing a trend here
what's the trend?
Fasting for long periods of time ruins your metabolism even more
When do Americans fast?
They're all rich brown countries
On the drive from home to McDonald's.
New Zealand is brown?
>Overweight Males in US:
>1975: 45.6%
>2016: 72.7%
>Overweight Females in US:
>1975: 36.6%
>2016: 63.2%
Women are more prone to obesity? I actually thought the opposite
Women have more body fat than men. They need it.
Based mudslimes stifling their own health because of their retrograde ideology.
you're not churchill, kid
>list of sand eaters
wait, what?
Despite USA and AUS I thought all these countries barely had anything to eat
>Saudi Arabia
>hardly anything to eat
What did he mean by this?
I think the first thing comes to mind when I see these countries is sand, pajeets and people drink their own urine to survive out of starvation
Doesn't eating itself stimulate aging? I thought fasting was healthy as hell
t. doesn't fast during ramadan
Humans evolved without supermarkets or farmers' markets. We've only really had agrarian societies for the past ten thousand or so years, which is a drop in the evolutionary bucket for our species.
Do you think we've spent the past 200 odd thousand years eating multiple meals a day, or even eating daily?
fake muslim
The only reason New Zealand is higher than you is because of the Maori.
The only reason USA is higher than you is because of our blacks/latinos
Your minorities are Asian/South Asian, who are less prone to obesity.
Anglos are mostly the same.
>this level of cope
Shut up fat.
>fake muslim
Arabs eat like this. I’ve been hanging out with some syrians and jordanians and they snack 24/7. Constantly stuffing their face with stuff. Cannot go 1 day without dessert.
Why am I coping? I'm not fat, couldn't give lesser of a shit what my fellow citizens of the USA are.
Then why did you reply to me?
>NZ wouldn't be THAT fat if it wasn't for the natives
Yeah? Means fuck all mate.
I'm speaking from personal experience as a former anorexic, I only found out the hard way how important it is to maintain a balanced and diverse diet of at least 1500 cal with regular meals every 3-5h towards achieving a dream goal weight, anything else causes muscle atrophy and fat storage which will make you appear unnecessarily bloated
I appreciate that you said couldn't give lesser of a shit rather than could
>live in desert
>become obese
pun intended?
You need to slit your throat, subhuman Moroccan.
it's because a lot are of nomadic descent. Bedouin bodies evolved to expect little food. Food like dates, milk, rice, etc...
So when we arrive at the modern consumerist world where everything is available, we get fat pretty easily as our bodies aren't used to handling the quantity and the kind of food we eat.
Of course that doesn't mean we don't have shit eating habits. We should be careful about how much we eat and what we eat.
But also desu we are fat because we eat to much but also because of our genes. it's legit
it's because you're Brazilians. Brazilians are the dumbest most insufferable tryhard posters of this board