Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

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German government for virtue signalling which encouraged the migration to increase in intensivity which overloaded the system.

Originally America for invading Iraq and causing ISIS to exist. But i also blame Turkey, the EU and my own government.

Wtf is happening on Estonia - Russia border?

The civil war in Syria is what started it. ISIS not existing wouldn't have prevented it.

Assad and ISIS for being murderous criminals, Russia for supporting Assad
US, Iran and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf for destabilizing the Middle East but not helping with the refugee crisis
Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia for refusing to help when the EU once needed them

Merkill for not just shooting like 5-10 of them and thus scaring millions away

>needed them
fuck off with your needs

>Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia for refusing to help when the EU once needed them
The help of Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia turned out to be unnecessary since every country involved managed to get a handle on the situation without our input.

Besides, the general consesus was that because Europe didn't show solidarity with former Eastern Bloc countries when it mattered we were not obligated to do it either.
The weird thing is that the notion of european solidarity is brought up only when it's western powers expecting something from poor shitholes like us, not never the other way around.
It's almost as if we're only a source of cheap labour and not part of the same European community where every nation is equal to one another.

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>Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia for refusing to help when the EU once needed them

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Poles claim to be devout Catholics yet refuse to help refugees
you're nothing but hypocrites
yes conveniently ommitting the billions of annual EU aid Poland receives

How many of those skyscrapers in Warsaw would you have without EU funding? Not being a dick, I'm just curious how much the EU has helped your development.

that pedo called muhammad, mohammed or whatever that faked himself as a profet and created a religion of crazy followers who find a way to justify all kinds of terror is his name.

>Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia for refusing to help when the EU once needed them

>hehe I posted a soyjak because war and refugee crisis are so funny ain't I quirky and based and redpilled
kys if you're over 18

According to Poles the EU is a drain on Poland and they would live in utopia without endless free money.


They're entering Borway through the angus :DDD

>How many of those skyscrapers in Warsaw would you have without EU funding?
None of these buildings are public investments, it's all private development. So probably all of them.

>yes conveniently ommitting the billions of annual EU aid Poland receives
You're still 800 billion short, until then you're just repaying the debt.

>muh WW2 reparations
it's just so pathetic

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Pathetic is the rate at which those reparations are paid

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America for destroying, Libya, Yemen and Syria in the name of a certain apartheid post colonial theocracy with nuclear weapons of mass destruction and human rights violating monarchy.

That's true tho
EU was drain on our country since the beginning. We need to suck it out your lame "gibs" and then just fuck off from this bullshit union
You didn't help us in 1981

US didn't intervene in Yemen
and overthrowing Gaddafi and trying to do so with Assad was legitimate, only the way they dealt with what came after (or didn't, rather) was shit
>EU was drain on our country since the beginning.
so why did Poland join and doesn't leave? Let me guess: evil German politicians forced you to do so?
>You didn't help us in 1981
what the fuck was West Germany supposed to do against the Eastern Bloc?

You started the Syrian Civil War.

>EU once needed them
Excuse me, but we rose to the challenge. Even today our soldiers and police officers are defending Europe, so you can sleep in a safe environment.

kill yourself

>not even 25 post in, germans already in full buttblast mode including epic groBpreuBengermaniums maps.

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That's quite rude. You should be thanking us for our efforts.

the point of the map was clearly to demonstrate reparations aren't gonna happen because Poland already took a fuckton from Germany
but I know, it's me who's le ebin German autism because I try to argue factually while you faggots either come with edgy Yas Forums phrases, post soyjaks or bring up WW2 to a completely unrelated topic
this site is fucking cancer

Euroshits should be grateful. It was not our problem. We did not virtue signal encouraging smugglers and hordes of people to take this extremely dangerous journey in order to land in some inhumane refugee camp to stay there for years. But we still delivered

Pic related, Polish and Hungarian border guardsmen in Greece

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if we will finally leave your shitty you you krautfukcs will kill us using sanctions
i hope your whole country wil burn during incoming corona crisis

>because Poland already took a fuckton from Germany
But those were Polish territories that Germans have illegally occupied. It wasn't a trade.