HOLD UP... dutch girls look like THAT??

HOLD UP... dutch girls look like THAT??

Attached: orangegf3.webm (600x800, 1.85M)

>participate in sports event
>better wear a ton of makeup
why do female whitoids do this?

>height: 1.81
Can she spare some eggs for IVF?


Attached: 1586942088543.webm (822x1080, 2.91M)

gay alien skull

>t. 5'8" manlett
>mfw jutta will never breed with me and cure my lineage of the short gene

Attached: 4a.jpg (622x420, 18.22K)

Imagine throwing a banana peel in her path

Why are tall grills so pretty

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dude dont shit me
this is really how they look?

why the fuck she wears make up

god imagine how sweaty she must be after a race

w-what does germanic girl sweat smell like

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I could tell you but I won't

Are netherland women "germanic"?

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Sauce pls

jutta leerdam

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attention whore

she in 5 years

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And she's 7 feet tall.

Why don't they wear suncream?

Kinda like onions.

I could die without regrets having kids with such a blonde, white, blue eyed cutie.

Great ass but I've got bigger tits than she does

Or like a cute hat.

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The adolf in me hopes they have many children

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she looks like such a stacy
most iceskate girls.look much cuter
ive seen the dutch youth profrssional girls change before all round nationals irl

*she will have many children

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based pic

Built for Big Uruguayan Cock

>The adolf in me hopes they have many children

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Why are Dutch people so tall?