This just happened in my city

This just happened in my city

Attached: powerful.jpg (828x480, 47.7K)

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holy fucking cringe


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>Getting praised for doing their job.

Attached: what.jpg (225x225, 3.49K)

OMG is it a real photo?

do americunts really?

do they really

Same guy: praise our soldiers.


I am a different user and I dont praise doctors for showing up to work, I also dont praise soldiers. Everyone is in it for a paycheck. Real hero don't get paid to do it.

Real hero also ideally SAVE lives instead of just throwing you on a ventilator and hoping for the best.

Yes, they knew the risk associated with working in the medical field.
You should have greentexted that, it just looks goofy now.

Attached: 1586191060824.png (598x595, 509.51K)

Doctor Manhattan could literally heem everyone in this picture. Why should he care, he doesnt even like humans that much

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it's weird as fuck honestly. ever doctor I know thinks it's annoying and patronizing.

Where is Adolf?

He's not wrong, they get paid, therefore it's not alturism. They aren't volunteers.

this is not the point and your posts proves how stupid you guys are, your clueless point of view about society based around heroes or antagonists is stupid as fuck you guys think like immature kids that's pathetic.

Die for Israel, faggot.

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Couldn't Dr Manhattan just get rid of the virus? Why is he included in the picture

>this is not the point and your posts proves how stupid you guys are, your clueless point of view about society based around heroes or antagonists is stupid as fuck you guys think like immature kids that's pathetic.

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>Real hero also ideally SAVE lives instead of just throwing you on a ventilator and hoping for the best.

>clueless point of view about society based around heroes or antagonists
Not him, but that is what you see of us because that is what gets promoted by film and media here - which is primarily Jewish.

Doke doke dokeeee

unfortunately the ones making sense are the ones making the less noise and therefore aren't visible, a shame.

There's no cure for Corona. So doctors are literally doing almost jack shit.
1) They put you on a ventilator which will probably do nothing and in fact has been shown to possibly even make things worse.
2) They throw some rando experimental drugs at you which will probably do nothing.

Wow such "heroes". Toootally $300,000 paychecks and adoration from mindless retards.

Outside of Corona, doctors are actually useful and cool. They aren't heroes though because they are getting paid.

My view of society isnt based on heroes and antagonists. The people claiming doctors are "heroes" are the ones who have a clueless point of view. I just point out that they aren't heroes. Because they aren't. They are human beings with big heads and bigger wallets. They can be useful or useless depending on what problem you are asking them to solve, but they'll collect a paycheck either way.

"Medical professional" worship is even cringier than soldier worship. At least jarheads coming back from Afghanistan didn't get compared to fucking Superman or other capeshit trash. Plus they're not heroes at all, all they do is make cringy TikTok dance videos for the CCP while patients sit in agony.

Thank your healthcare workers, you fucking faggots.

Attached: american_healthcare_'professionals'_dancing_on_your_grave.webm (490x720, 2.92M)

>implying he gives a fuck

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Difference is nurses can quit.

>marrying a nurse

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i feel like ripping off my skin i'm cringing so hard

lol most doctors aren't even treating corona patients. Hospitals are emptier than ever and are having to furlough people. This pandemic has made doctors LESS useful.

But dont tell that to doctor-worshipping Ameritards. Cringe as fuck

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Swarthoids are coming for your women, whiteys.

>amerishart healthcare

he has a pure sovthvrn FRVNCH phenotype

Looks like the kind of propaganda the CIA would create. They love to push their message through capeshit

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Do ameriniggers really not understand the difference between a doctor and a burger flipper?

Don't you have a hole to go crawl into?

you'd be right if he weren't a doctor

Unironically better than British nurses ok

Still surprised the Maoris haven't complained about it yet

>Yo gota wirship da doctor man

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Amerishits shocked...France rocks!

doctors are paid out the ass here. if it were almost any other country i wouldn't be skeptical of their motivation.

t. got kicked out of med school