How are you holding up, Yas Forums?

How are you holding up, Yas Forums?

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not well

just not good at all

i lost my mental sanity year ago. now i wonder soullessly around just to survive

ive been better

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I hope I get corona

Could be better

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my niggas.. we will get through this..

That would be lovely, won't it?

I've been getting back on the horse, so well.

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Failed my last semester in uni. One of the courses is a winter only course meaning I’m stuck for another year...

are you me?
i am smoking more than before, trying to get a cold, i'm always going in places that people recommend not to go because it's crowded
I am feeling good about this coronavirus thing, it's like an easy way out of life
finally the suicide my parents won't feel bad about and I wont mess my face blowing my brains out or anything

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actually pretty good
felt like shit from december - march because I broke up with my gf but now I'm feeling really good, like 8/10
just wish lockdown would end so I can get my drivers license and start uni

stop smoking, evidence has been piling on that smokers are way less likely to get corona than the general population
when they do get it, it tends to have more severe effects, sure

>working from home
>i dont have to look at my colleagues in the face
>get to nap at lunch time
>jerk off when i want to

Oh no somebody save me.

Holy shit, I never thought of that
I'd try to deliberately get corona but since I still live with my parents there's a chance they'd contract it and likely die too

So board, I'm plywood.

Not even a chance for gf for another few months or so. Though I don't think it would be really different under the usual circumstances, but now I can't delude myself that something might change if I go to places.

end your life yourself
you are no better than pozzed bugchasing faggots

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Worse now than your ugly balding cuntish self made this thread!
Pic related is you.
Stop posting.

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Better since I broke up with my gf, but my boomer parents keep threatening to kick me out if I leave the house or interact with people at any point until COVID is cured. Trying to sign up for the military so I can get out of here, since the economy seems pretty fucked up and every job is dead-end when you don't have a degree or skilled trade.

Work half time, do sport inside, can cook.
So far so good.

Feelinokay how you doin op?

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holy fuckin seethe

life is fine the real thing that's getting me is
>tfw no gf

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Life is getting better, at least I have an internship now
I'm working from home, writing half a dozen of code lines everyday and I'm being paid a minimum wage
I'm fighting my depression and now I believe I'm gonna be ok

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Lay it on me op. How are you.

Not good fren

I wish I was dead.
I'm lonely.

I am a NPC. I don't have feelings, I don't suffer.

Suicidal ideation is back on the menu, boys. I’ve been severely depressed lately. Seeing every normie talk about quarantine like it’s torture has made me constantly reflect on how lonely and pathetic my own life is as hardly anything has changed for me besides working from home.

I'd rather be dead.
