Most mexicans are olmecs he should have broad nose not hooked nose
>mirenme gringos hablo como ustedes, soy como ustedes, aceptenme
Why are you ashamed of your olmec roots?
olm*c scum
seething olm*c
at least my family didn't escape when the things went wrong
Is that your boyfriend
Embrace your olmec roots do not be ashamed :)
I am Olmec lol
Why you ashamed of your boyfriend
Nothing went wrong my parents just came here for vaction and they liked it so they decided to stay
T. mitomano
>he does not deny being olmec
based, we need more olmecs like you.Maybe one day we can spilt mexico in half, south for olmecs & north for based mexinarcos like me
They're the same
fuck off olmec, we norteños do not want to be in the same country with you olmecs
no consigues nada en seguirle la corriente, te lo digo enserio. hay una opción para esconder hilos, por si la quieres usar
Tienes una imagen como esta pero tipo chichimecas vs olmecas?
is this image better
>Tienes una imagen como esta pero tipo chichimecas vs olmecas?
tristemente no
Didn't you say you hate mexico yesterday? you change your mind easily like a women
>Didn't you say you hate mexico yesterday?
I only hate the parts infested with olmecs
>tfw silvid-olmec hybrid
feels great brehs
Why do you hate amerindians? Mexico is basically half amerindian
based desu.
I do not hate olmecs, I just want them to have a seperate country
Like an ethnostate, but everyone is mixed
not all mixed people are the same
>It's another mentally ill Latino thread
What's the difference then?
KYS, Fatino. I'm sick of you polluting the board and the entire website. I filtered everything related to L*tinos on my laptop and over twenty threads were filtered; TWENTY. You "people" are out of control.
Mexico is diverse in subcultures & phenotypes despite the fact that most mexicans are mixed. Not all mixed people are created equal
op is a proxy & i felt like derailing his thread
an ethnically homogenous nation would get rid of mexicos racism & violence
No he isn't. That Latino bastard is a known poster. He is the Olmec Poster and namefags as Mexichad or something retarded like that.
Like Haiti?
op is the pr0xy anyways just ignore threads you do not like retard