I hate scandinavian people

They are so full of themselves.
They think they are beautiful.

I hate them.
And think they are ugly and annoying.

Attached: Screenshot (16).png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

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they hate themselves too dont worry.

we love you sexy beast shahar

Scandinavian women are like the women of women.

I really doubt that picture is from a scandinavian kitchen

Looks like a boat kitchen

It's from this you sweedish pig


How do people fund a lifestyle like this? I can't bother watching the entire video so please tell me schlomo

Rich and stupid, I think they are stuck now due to no port allows them to disembark.

some people are really wealthy you know

>they’re ugly
Because of pic related

Attached: 6A7DA50E-E4B0-4BC7-AF91-35996A051C8A.jpg (378x500, 99.95K)

What the fuck

Attached: 312980.jpg (1069x818, 111.05K)

I'm more doli than the average sw*de and I look hot as fuck

Attached: dolisoturi.jpg (338x372, 21.33K)

They have a youtube channel and suckerish and gullible people support them through patreon.

Top is literally me and i fucking hate it

What if my skull look like this?

That is because you are jelous.
You hate them because you are not one of them.

>see thumbnail
>assume burger flag
>prepare to accuse fellow burger of being a jew
>find israeli flag

Is this the Chad build?

They unironically have the biggest superiority complex on the planet

It is located within the divergence of the Chad phenotype.

Swedes and Norwegians are extremely smug, yes.

simmer down pig

Why are Arabs and Jews like this, if you hate us whites so much, go back to your fucking desert wasteland and stay there you child fuckers.

its not a complex its normal. they have all the reason to be proud of themslelv. scandinavian are natural ubermensh


Attached: 1583313905386.jpg (1920x1920, 1009.38K)

Calm down fatso, he's talking about Scandis

Stop portraying us like some utopia then

Accurate tbqhwy

Nice digits. Cringe post.

It's because they ARE beautiful. It's not fair I know. There are so many hot and horny 18-24yos females out there. It's insane.

Idk how you could not have a gf out there.

Don't post in my thread hans you fucking evil fat german pig from stutgart.
You evil german pigs are the kinds of worshipping scandinavians.

She's beautiful.