The man that made western people butthurt for 567 years and counting

The man that made western people butthurt for 567 years and counting.

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Europeans: interesting, but we discovered a new continent (no vikings joke pls)

We took a dying city*




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The destruction of Baghdad by the Mongols was a bigger disaster, also the burning of Alexandria library.
Turks didn't burned the city to the groud.

>the man that made western people butthurt for 567 years and counting.
>turks took 50sq miles of stone and brick
>Europeans took 40 million sq miles

Library of Alexandria was overblown, it wasn't a huge loss. Look into it.

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Constantinople · Area
2.32 sq miles

Finally, Constantinople was under Ottoman rule. Mehmed entered Constantinople through what is now known as the Topkapi Gate. He immediately rode his horse to the Hagia Sophia which he ordered to be sacked. He ordered that an imam meet him there in order to chant the Muslim Creed: "I testify that there is no God but Allah. I testify that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah."[24] He turned the Orthodox cathedral into a Turkish mosque, solidifying Turkish rule in Constantinople. Mehmed ordered the city to be plundered for three days; during this time, widespread persecution of the city's civilian inhabitants took place, resulting in thousands of casualties, rapes and forced deportations.[25] Following the sack, Mehmed's main concern with Constantinople had to do with rebuilding the city's defenses and re-population. Building projects were commenced immediately after the conquest, which included the repair of the walls, construction of the citadel, and building a new palace.[19] Mehmed issued orders across his empire that Muslims, Christians, and Jews should resettle the city; he demanded that five thousand households needed to be deported to Constantinople by September.[


>Still butthurt and seething
God I love my ancestors, they provided me with the chance to share the tears they drank from the westerners.

You're pathetic.

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A good starting point would be the story of the future patriarch Gennadios Scholarios. He was captured during the siege and taken to Edirne. This basically means slavery, those captured in the fall of a non Muslim city were enslaved by whoever could catch them. I’m guessing the slave market in Edirne had a lot of slaves for sale in June 1453.

The Sultan knew he needed a new Patriarch to be leader of his Christian subjects. And he knew that Gennadios was the leader of the Anti-Catholic faction of the Byzantine Church so he took him from his ‘owner’ freed him and in 1454 personally invested him as Patriarch.

Next, one of Mehmet’s life long projects was establishing Konstaniyye as the new ottoman capital which meant repopulating it. There are a lot of stories about him actually forcing people to move there. The Sultan also received a fixed share, a third from memory, of any war booty. And Mehmet chose to take a lot of the ‘slaves’ as his share and actually set them free to revive the City - though some of them were put to work on clean up or building projects first.

Also Galata on the far side of the Golden Horn had its own walls and it was ‘owned’ by the Genoese and Mehmet didn’t want to start a war with the Italians. Galata wasn’t taken by force, but instead after the fall of Constantinople he demanded its surrender - or else. I’m sure a lot of people from Constantinople took the short boat trip across and ‘survived’ there.

And then technically under Islamic Law, the army is allowed to pillage a captured non Muslim city for three days. BUT Mehmet was making Constantinople his new capital and he basically wanted to minimise the damage. And so ‘officially’ the City was looted for three days, and unofficially after the first day it was discouraged. Now a lot of people were killed and a lot of people were enslaved. I haven’t read any stories about people surviving in hiding but its very possible.


>The enraged Turkish soldiers . . . gave no quarter. When they had massacred and there was no longer any resistance, they were intent on pillage and roamed through the town stealing, disrobing, pillaging, killing, raping, taking captive men, women, children, old men, young men, monks, priests, people of all sorts and conditions… There were virgins who awoke from troubled sleep to find those brigands standing over them with bloody hands and faces full of abject fury… [The Turkish jihadis] dragged them, tore them, forced them, dishonored them, raped them at the cross-roads and made them submit to the most terrible outrages…

>Tender children were brutally snatched from their mothers' breasts and girls were pitilessly given up to strange and horrible unions, and a thousand other terrible things happened. . .

>Temples [including Hagia Sophia] were desecrated, ransacked and pillaged . . . sacred objects were scornfully flung aside, the holy icons and the holy vessels were desecrated…. Immense numbers of sacred and profane books were flung on the fire or torn up and trampled under foot.

I mean, not to defend those actions, but plunder and sack of cities has always been commonplace in warfare.

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>I mean, not to defend those actions, but plunder and sack of cities has always been commonplace in warfare.
Not to the extent of Muslim savagery to Christians, Christian conquests of Christian lands was largely vassalage and tax based not slavery, depopulation, and replacement.

> >The enraged Turkish soldiers . . . gave no quarter. When they had massacred and there was no longer any resistance, they were intent on pillage and roamed through the town stealing, disrobing, pillaging, killing, raping, taking captive men, women, children, old men, young men, monks, priests, people of all sorts and conditions… There were virgins who awoke from troubled sleep to find those brigands standing over them with bloody hands and faces full of abject fury… [The Turkish jihadis] dragged them, tore them, forced them, dishonored them, raped them at the cross-roads and made them submit to the most terrible outrages…

>Tender children were brutally snatched from their mothers' breasts and girls were pitilessly given up to strange and horrible unions, and a thousand other terrible things happened. . .

>Temples [including Hagia Sophia] were desecrated, ransacked and pillaged . . . sacred objects were scornfully flung aside, the holy icons and the holy vessels were desecrated…. Immense numbers of sacred and profane books were flung on the fire or torn up and trampled under foot.

never forget the byzancaust.

Come on dude, you're making it too easy.

You're trying to equate Christian conquest of Christian cities to Muslim conquests of Christian lands when they are not the same.

There is no okay order to enslave and pillage cities and lands conquered by christians of christian cities.

When Normans conquered England they didn't pillage and enslave all its population, they took over as their tax man, the war was for position of tax overlord not for destruction of the people or to render them destroyed and destitute.

>On 16 June 1552 Ivan IV led a 150,000-strong Russian army from Moscow towards Kolomna. They routed the Crimean Tatars under Devlet Giray near Tula before turning to the east. The tsar pressed on towards Kazan, and the final siege of the Tatar capital commenced on 30 August. Under the supervision of Prince Alexander Gorbatyi-Shuisky, the Russians used ram weapons, a battery-tower, mines, and 150 cannon. The Russians had the advantage of efficient military engineers, such as Ivan Vyrodkov, Nemchin Erazm ("Rozmysl")[7] from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the English engineer Butler.[8] The besiegers blocked the city's water supply and breached the walls before the final storming on 2 October led to the taking of the city of Kazan, the razing of its fortifications, and the massacre of much of the population. The Kazan Chronicle reports the killing of 110,000 – both civilians and garrison – and the release of 60,000–100,000 Russians whom the khanate had held captive.

Reminder that Russian BVLLS literally exterminated every T*rk roach they could get their hands on, from east of the Urals to the shores of Crimea.

There was once a time in history were T*rk roaches were the dominant people in siberia, but now all it's inhabitants identify as indo-European due to centuries of being raped by Slavic BVLLS

What Tartars are left in Siberia today only exist in name, they're the rape spawn of R1a and N carrying Y-DNA Russian men

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Maybe it's the grammar but this reads as if the Turkish soldiers kidnapped and raped the young men of constantinople

*sniff sniff*
Ahh, the smell of amerimutt tears

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>You're trying to equate Christian conquest of Christian cities to Muslim conquests of Christian lands
No I'm not, I never mention Christian conquests. I simply stated savagery against civilians is commonplace in warfare, in all ages of humanity, no matter which sides are involved, and you automatically, reflexively went on to defend Christians against Muslims. History must be viewed without emotional involvement. You on the other hand, as the great Mel Gibson said, have a dog in this fight. What you're doing is engaging in propaganda, not history.

>No I'm not, I never mention Christian conquests. I simply stated savagery against civilians is commonplace in warfare, in all ages of humanity, no matter which sides are involved, and you automatically, reflexively went on to defend Christians against Muslims. History must be viewed without emotional involvement. You on the other hand, as the great Mel Gibson said, have a dog in this fight. What you're doing is engaging in propaganda, not history.

there's degrees of savagery against civilians, "commonplace" that's like saying violence is common in the world because people fight in schools and therefore people beheading everyone they don't like is normal and commonplace.

>The letters and dispatches, official and private, which are published herewith cover a large area of territory, and come from many different personages.
>They refer to incidents which have happened during the last few months in various parts of the Empire, and they combine to strengthen each other’s testimony.

>From the statements they contain, it will be seen that the Russians invading Turkey in the name of religion have had for their object the extermination of the Turkish race; that they have hesitated at no cruelty or excess however terrible to accomplish this work, and that they have actually succeeded in depopulating and desolating vast, populous, and thriving districts,
>It will also be noted that this terrible example has been followed not only by the semi-savage Cossacks who have accompanied the Russian forces but also by the ignorant and excitable Bulgarian peasantry, with a result so deplorable that history produces no parallel.