Damn France, I didn't know you had it like that. Also kek UK weaker than South Korea

Damn France, I didn't know you had it like that. Also kek UK weaker than South Korea

Attached: 20418.jpg (1200x1659, 469.88K)

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Does SK even have nukes?

Let this be a warning to any germs who think they can relive the past. Try it.

South Korea and Japan? Wtf? It's basically the US

Germany and France are allies, incel

Attached: Ein-Airbus-A400M-der-Luftwaffe-holt-Covid-19-Patienten-aus-Strassburg-ab--article169Gallery-9b361351-1683157.jpg (1100x619, 99.13K)

I guess they count the millitary aliances, since Korea and Japan are basically american bases or it doesn't make any sense since Japan doesn't really have an Army and both country don't have nukes

>surprised that a country that has mandatory conscription and is in a constant war with its neighbor have a stronger military than one of the most secure and isolated countries on earth

of course South Korea has a powerful military, have you seen their neighbours?

Japan has a pretty powerful military

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-22 Japan Self-Defense Forces - Wikipedia.png (314x877, 33.12K)

For now.