Without memeing, what does the average Frenchman look like? Is there truly no such thing as a French person...

Without memeing, what does the average Frenchman look like? Is there truly no such thing as a French person? Is it an extinct ethnicity?

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like this

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Muslims in Paris, real French in small cities

>average french person
What do you mean average x person though?
What ethnicity you want to know how it looks like?

Small and cute?

dark hair, dark eyes, slightly swarthy, modest amount of facial hair

I have been told I look really french

50% of Americans would look European, 20% would look native american, 15% would look black, 10% would be asian/mixed race.

The French state defines french by citizenship not appearance, average french could look chinese.

Attached: 950px-Map_France_1477-en.svg.png (950x1024, 708.77K)

South French*

My favourite type

Are they ACTUALLY all mixed with North Africans or is that a meme?

My father is from the south and we are both very hairy. If I dont shave my neck it will join my chest hair

This is a french hand

Attached: Snapchat-1805730934.jpg (1440x2560, 1.08M)

>My father is from the south and we are both very hairy. If I dont shave my neck it will join my chest hair
likely descend from italians.

that looks like some barbary creature off the coast of africa.

by the french state you're a french citizen, yes.
There's no french state citizen look that defines a french citizen.

No just med

>Are they ACTUALLY all mixed with North Africans or is that a meme?
No, but north africans make up a large percentage of french citizens along with blacks.

>No just med
Yes, from italian and portuguese immigrants.

Likely you know Europe how i know South Dakota

Basically people from the north (above the Loire) look more like Brits germs and Belgians.
People from the south (below the Loire) look more like Iberians and Italians.

I know nothing about south dakota pr any city but my own but I do know about Europe.

Attached: fundamentally med and italian.jpg (880x181, 56.29K)

I would know absolutely nothing about any city outside of my own even in my own/Provence state, I assume it's the same in Europe.

i look like this

Attached: 1544057187329.webm (360x640, 1.61M)

Italian migration in France only begun in mass in the late XIXth century, and second part of the XXth for portuguese. My immediate family has not been part of those migration waves and my family name has been present a lot longer than that in France

im sure you got some joao kang and mario inside your ancestry

Perhaps, but you seem to imply those are the only reason why a person living by the mediterranean would be hairy, as if the south coast of France was a no man's land before the migration caused by industrialisation.

>Perhaps, but you seem to imply those are the only reason why a person living by the mediterranean would be hairy, as if the south coast of France was a no man's land before the migration caused by industrialisation.

natives of the region aren't that hairy.

Says who?

Plot Twist if you live in a hot place there are strong chances u will have brown/dark brown hairs.

His degree on stereotypes.

In my experience : Black, brown or mousy brown hair, Brown doe eyes, and olive skinned but usually with a paler undertone than other meds both north and south with very even skintone. Very good look imo.

Pierre Paul Puget was born on 16 October 1620 at the home of his father, a stone mason, in the working-class neighborhood of Panier, in Marseille. [2] As his two older brothers were trained as stone masons, he was trained as a woodcarver. He began his career at the age of fourteen, carving the elaborate wooden ornament of the galleys built in the Marseille shipyards. He also showed a talent as painter.[3]

Attached: Pierre-Puget-Francois_Puget.jpg (507x624, 300.11K)

>Both north and south

Pic related is from Elsass, I doubt he looks med by any standard

Northern french people look like Belgians, north east like Germans and north west like Brits, not at all med

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Why did you delete the picture of quite hairy Alphone Daudet? Why didn't you take the picture of, say, Augustin Daumas?

Attached: Augustin Daumas.jpg (218x365, 14.36K)

Louis XIV

"Wait, he has dark brown hair! He's probably from greece or Portugal!"

-John Lee Smith from Mississippi

Attached: 1200px-Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg (1200x1705, 582.21K)


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jews or immigrants.