>pic related
>pic related
Why does California seem to make americans seethe?
Because they’re traitors
Because they lie about everything
Because they are Unamerican
Because they are 2/3 non-white
whats your state
the american south is fucked mate enjoy
That’s why we’re opening up, right? And oh no, only 99.2% of us will survive! Lmao
Worst state
Seethe more faggot.
lol you just surpassed Pennsylvania for 4th most cases and have the 9th most deaths
Enjoy getting BTFO
and which state has the largest population
flyoveroids aren't human
Who has the 4th most cases and 9th most deaths? who’s economy is in the shitter?
Give it back, Cletus
based retard
Don’t ask my state for a bailout then
ok retard
Rip ur hospitals and emergency services.
Will corona bring us the next American civil war?
Yes and california will lose because it’s 85% vs 15%
My county has closed all the county hospitals. Not our problem
Just stop going to the hospital for every little thing
>Because they are Unamerican
Why californians are not fat
>Just stop going to the hospital for every little thing
This. Breathing is overrated anyways
It's just butthurt cuckservatives
Can't wait for your second wave because retards absolutely MUST to to church and can't go four weeks without it.
Oh no only 99.2% of us will survive
I can’t wait til were the only part of the country will be making money. We won’t give you any of our taxpayer dollars anymore, you fucking faggots. The buck stops here
You’ll have to take our money out of our cold dead hands
I'm just here to witness the tard fight
You mean 60% of the US
Taxdollars only go one way. Handouts from California and the Fed to flyover cucks. At least learn some basic information retard.
It sounds very much like your problem. Where tf will you go if someone hit and runs you and you need stitches
Do you really believe a state that’s 2/3 non white could actually be first world? Get the fuck out of here