situation in the world is worse with each day and we all know that americans are bloodthirsty psychopaths who need other people's blood in order to exist so who do you think they gonna attack this time and what kind of bullshit excuse they gonna use?
Do you think they gonna start war?
I hope they pick China for a war so they will be rekt once forever.
Russia, I love you.
it's either Iran or China
>Says country which started a war more recently than us
Venezuela is the easiest choice. Poor as fuck, loads of oil, and support from the locals.
That may be, but they are not Evil, like Russia. The Americans are basally good but the Russians stand for the forces of darkness and the decay of civilisation in this world.
Given that oil is currently worth less than toilet paper, I don’t think we’re going be going to war over it any time soon.
On the contrary, a war on a producer country will make the prices go up
Not really. Venezuela has a shit ton of reserves but they’re proverbially irrelevant when it comes to actual production.
Putin is as likely as we are to start a war if oil demand doesn't go up soon
Their emperor needs to declare war some times or they might lose mandate of mc nugget
America is like Spain under Franco for some reason
I don't doubt it, but we'll probably start a war with ourselves if anything
>what kind of bullshit excuse they gonna use?
Same as Iraq
>as likely
More likely. The US is well prepared to handle extended periods of bottoming oil prices, we can subsidize our petroleum industry. Really, it’s more of a concern to us when oil prices go to far in the other direction (although even that much less so ever since fracking was invented).
The US gives so little fucks about oil right now that we’re embargoing Russia, Venezuela, and Iran.
That makes zero sense.
Yeah, I don’t see the connection either. I would sooner draw similarities with us and Italy under Mussolini.
Nah, it's definately going to be America. Russia doesn't need to. China is their close ally and China is set to overtake the US. Knowing how Eastphobic USA is there's no telling what the government might try to stay afloat as the dominant force.
An anti-Mason Catholic technocracy?
>USA taking on big guys.
IMO there is a war on venezuela going on already. Recently you put a Bounty on Maduro and other guys.
>americans not evil
Yet Trump tried to buyout a German company working on a corona vaccine for exclusive rights to it. Don't get us started on the druglords they put in power in Latin America.
>Russia doesn't need to
have you heard about the protests in russia
This, US caused the refugee crisis as well.
Nigga you started like 5 wars and ruined like 8 countries in the last decade
KEK USA wouldn't dare attack China. All USA can do is have their journalist sit there and be passive agressive about China on the internet. As they are powerless to do anything but that. China practically owns the US at this point. They can't even show certain things in their Cinema anymore without China's approval and blessing. Cucked to the core.