
Moss edish

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fucking tired of this shit

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Why? What happened?

wow, how underwhelming.
Perfect edišon theme

Moss is great, as a swamp nigga you should appreciate it a bit more.

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Kā sokas Nīderlandes student?


Hey, have you got your language skills upgraded while in Neggerlands?

vismaz te nav masku autisms kā jums mājās, jo nevienam nerūp
didn't bother learning dutch and my latvian has regressed, so things are pretty grim t b h

>vismaz te nav masku autisms kā jums mājās

Tas uz Leišiem attiecās, mums arī nav maskas.
Viss ko te aizvēra ir mazās kafejnīcas un atsevišķas iestādes:muzeji, biblenes, teātri utt.

Latviski var vēlreiz iemācīties.
Tevi kā Austrumeiropas vīrieti arī nodirš?
Jo pēdējo reizi kad biju Nīderlandē tā bija norma.

>mums arī nav maskas.

lūk pārsteigums, ka viņiem nesekojām
šeit leiši visu laiku maskas piemin, tāpēc domāju latvijā arī būs
>Tevi kā Austrumeiropas vīrieti arī nodirš?
nope, kaut gan es esmu tādā miermīlīgā universitāšu pilsētā un ir tāds mazs bars ar baltiešiem te, kas mācas
laikam uzvedās pietiekami normāli

Kāds ir redzējis?

cik gramus esi šobrīd sapīpējies

Vai ir obligātas?
Kad pisu ar velo pa Eiropu,pamanījos ieklīst ciemā ar Baltiešu strādniekiem. Nu bārā pret mani attieksme bija sūdīga, bet tas laikam visur.

Nice trips.
I seent it
Would have been nice to put an English version on this mazafaka for our bros to understand, but it's all good!


no, but if you work in retail, workplace has to provide you with masks
and a lot of people on the streets wear them


Lasu grāmatu par to kā šis Bāzētais onka paveica savu varoņdarbu.
Ja godīgi, gulaga apraksti ir baisi.

Well I don't work in retail.

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just saying that there is mask autism

slinkums iet pakaļ vel

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> a lot
I bike to work every day. I rarely see anyone wearing a mask. I drove by Uzvaras Parks today. Tons of people taking pictures with sakuras. Tons of people not complying with 2meter rule. And almost no masks either.


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I hope this is eng, too lazy to sign in Gaygle.

I'm becoming more paranoid toward officials who "are only following orders" while implementing more totalitarian rule

Woah, I didn't know nīderlande was based

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No nobody gives a shit anymore.

If you finally get rid of immigrants then it's okay

Well remember, The thicc sister is coommin.

you know what to do

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OK bros found the documentary without sign in to gaygle necessary.

Watch this balt bros it is very important!

WATCH IT!!!!!!!!


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