
Love Jihad Edition..
ind.Pak + Bd +Nepal + Afgh + diaspora

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has ther ever been an indian government zhat recognized the european gypsies as part of the indian diaspora?
just imagine if india tried to meddle into european affairs under the umbrella of "protecting gypsy rights"
pretty superpoweresque huh?

I haven't heard of such a thing ..
I dont think anyone wants to claim gypsies .

this is what the average poster here should look like ..

Attached: Gracile.indid.jpg (842x736, 55.39K)

That would be retarded.


Why are Hungarian boys so soft and cute?

In India conferences on the Roma people have been held in the past as well; the first Roma conference was organised in1976 in Chandigarh which was attended by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi; she also inaugurated in 1983 the International Roma Cultural Festival. In February 2001, 33 Roma scholars and representatives from 12 countries attended a conference where they interacted with former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee

The Narendra Modi government did just that by hosting a number of prominent Romas from 15 countries in New Delhi to deliberate on issues surrounding the community – including its Indian origin – thus validating a historical claim besides raising the hope of being recognised as a part of the Indian diaspora.

This is what they probably look like.

Attached: malabaresem.jpg (300x413, 16.28K)

Looks like Tamil Dalit got scared of my Bhopal offer and left

You both are whitoid kikes. gtfo

whitoids have polluted this thread. How to cuck these parasites?

What about this then?

Attached: malidm.jpg (295x407, 15.12K)

streetshiters look like that. Many Indians don't

Ehh it's dead anyway, it seems only two of us are online

Fuck man. Today, whole day it was pretty inactive. Yesterday murican brahmin was here too and a couple of others.

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t. s*uth Indian

afghan poster lost his internet...
Paki poster probably went to get mental help..

that leaves you guys

do you have pajeet genes?

Roma people have been away from Indian for long enough that they've become part of the country they now reside in. British Romanis (Romanichals) are literally a separate ethnicity from other Romanis and speak their own own language (Anglo-Romani).


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no need to have a scholarship on them ... they are all shit even by our standards.

I want to do a love jihad with a Wh*te guy who will colonize and breed my boipucci uwu

Then you're certainly welcome here


what part of hindustan are you from ?
delet this..

Attached: Kalash valley.jpg (431x547, 67.87K)

May Indra strike you down for such utterances


Guy in the video is average desi poster


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Looks cringe desu. Looks like a richfag.

cringeworthy. What kind of mental illness is required to make such videos?

He probably got bullied in school

Heres a more general group of what you should look like ..

Attached: Indid.jpg (936x793, 58.58K)

and if not of the above fit you.. you probably look like this and .. i'm sorry

Attached: indo-melanid.jpg (877x829, 54.66K)

You cucks are actually posting in this thread? i mean how pathetic of an incel is the paki leaf to make that OP?

he didn't get bullied enough then..

I have glasses because of.............you know................vidya games. Also I'm female