About fucking time.
Holy based
Based. Trump is going to shoot down those ships.
>oil plummets
>Middle-East explodes again
>trump does retarded foreign policy move #91293180231
will you ever learn?
>have your military on the other side of the planet
>in the waters of a country you've spent decades trying to destory
>constantly trespassing and baiting conflict
>still trying to play the victim
Ah yes, Merikkka.
>They are boating like right next to us when we enter there territorial waters what the fuck they are harrassing our ships! We just have 18 vessels in the persian gulf but we dindu nuffin pls don't protect your territorial waters nooooooo.
>get bantered
Hug more chinese , mario.
pvt Jimenez
>shoot, sink, and kill any ships that comes near ours or are in our waters
>but it's okay for our ship to enter the waters of others and harass them
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
>in persian gulf
oh boy here we go again
Rape more locals, Cleetus.
>>in the waters of a country
It'd either be in international or Saudi waters. US navy is only really vulnerable to shore-based battery, so they don't get too close to those threats.
based we are the bad guys and thats a good thing
Americans are massive pussies and won't do shit. Cap this post
>It'd either be in international or Saudi waters
Yeah, nah. The rest of the world knows how your country in particular behaves in relation to territorial waters.
>what is iraq
>what is afghanistan
>what is libya
>what is syria
Not Iran.
Those countries don’t have nukes
Countries that are way weaker than Iran.
Remember that the US never messes with countries that can fight them back
Ate Iran
Ate healthcare
Ate my governor
Luv Israel
Luv me president
Simple as.
Just like Americans on Yas Forums. Impressive.
is this something americans are proud about?
its not as if they've already assassinated a high ranking general ... now that would be quite brazen indeed
>>what is syria
Also Libya was mostly France's doing. And whole nato.
At least Iran are more intelligent than to the other cavemans
Failed in 2/4 of these. Syrian goverment is still here and in Afghanistan they are now admitting defeat and negotiating with the Taliban their retreat.
Lybia wasn't even mostly the US.
How is Trump so dumb.
It's hard to even be surprised, but every day he lowers the bar.
If the US and Iran goes to war, who would back either country?
The US give the rebels tons of guns and money
russia/china would back iran
ergo we would never actually go to war with them, only shit in their back yards and fuck with their proxies
I'm sure Australia would get dragged into it, we always do. Army grunts are braindead and plenty of people are willing to die if it means killing "moslems".
Israel and Saudi Arabia would back the USA. Greatest allies.
>oil goes negative
>the trump pump comes in
literally nothing. just trump pumping oil because cheeto-man only cares about 'hurr durr line go up'
>hurr durr line go up
the line goes down meme refers to the falling rate of profit not the stock market
>What the FUCK did he mean by this?
That China was right to militarise the south china sea.
>the line goes down meme refers to the falling rate of profit not the stock market
here, take a (You). Maybe it'll increase your reading comprehension skills.
Reading comprehension has nothing to do with the fact that you don’t understand a meme
Alliances would line up based on previous diplomatic relations, and current energy needs. If war happens, the first thing is that oil from the Persian gulf becomes 100x more expensive, cause it will need to be shipped in small fast tankers with a full military escort, instead of the large unguarded super-tankers that we're used to. USA Saudi will try to buy allies with oil exports. Iran and Russia will try to compete.
Memes have nothing to do with the fact that you are a major tard if you think I care. Trump is threatening Iran because he wants the price of US oil to go up. If he doesn't, his dumbfuck blue collar energy worker base goes bye bye after mass layoffs.
you sound like an autist