Who here is coastal? Post a picture of your town/village/city's coast.
Who here is coastal? Post a picture of your town/village/city's coast
no coast bros?
Yes, Vancouver has the superior coastline to any north american city
I am coastal
Based coast bros, how do in-landers even live?
I'm originally from St. John's, Newfoundland which has a great coastline. Now I live in Toronto, which is sort of coastal in it's own way, I guess.
no idea, I'd want to die if I lived in the corn zone
Nice, some of my family lived on the coasts of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia.
Coast is smelly here from pollution so no.
rate my city
>long beach island
accurate name
I see the erosion is going well, judging by the sand pumps and dozers
it's okay
Is this the thread where we laugh at coastlets?
The only one with soul, apart from mine
coastlets will never know this feel
So many COASTAL BVLLS in this thread
Blessed fishing spot here
They do this every few years, dredge up shiploads of sand and bury the jetties so they can fit a few more hundred sunbathers on the beach, it all ends up on sandyhook in a year lmao
>going to work in a flyover for the summer
I don't think I'd survive far from the coast but at least I can cross some fish species off my bucket list out there.
what state?
South Dakota, out at wind cave national park