Who here is coastal? Post a picture of your town/village/city's coast

Who here is coastal? Post a picture of your town/village/city's coast.

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no coast bros?

Yes, Vancouver has the superior coastline to any north american city

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I am coastal

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Based coast bros, how do in-landers even live?

I'm originally from St. John's, Newfoundland which has a great coastline. Now I live in Toronto, which is sort of coastal in it's own way, I guess.

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no idea, I'd want to die if I lived in the corn zone

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Nice, some of my family lived on the coasts of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia.

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Coast is smelly here from pollution so no.

rate my city

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>long beach island
accurate name

I see the erosion is going well, judging by the sand pumps and dozers

it's okay

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Is this the thread where we laugh at coastlets?

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The only one with soul, apart from mine


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coastlets will never know this feel

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So many COASTAL BVLLS in this thread

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Blessed fishing spot here
They do this every few years, dredge up shiploads of sand and bury the jetties so they can fit a few more hundred sunbathers on the beach, it all ends up on sandyhook in a year lmao

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>going to work in a flyover for the summer
I don't think I'd survive far from the coast but at least I can cross some fish species off my bucket list out there.

what state?

South Dakota, out at wind cave national park