America (at least my state) talks a lot about classical history and modern history, but medieval is kind of neglected.
>Henry VIII + his daughters and the church. Detailed.
>English Civil War
>Glorious Revolution
>Social failings under King Louis the last
>French Revolution, rise of Napoleon I, and Napoleonic Era.
>Martin Luther and Prot reformation
>Thirty Years War
>Unification under Bismarck
>World Wars and interbellum
>Obviously Ancient Rome
>Renaissance in Italian City States
>Conquistadors and explorers. Cortes.
>American colonies
>Spanish Armada getting yeeted by Elizabeth
>Catherine the Great
>Russian Revolution and Soviet Union
>In 6th grade, we learned about Indian caste system and Chinese Confucian and Daoism, but it was just basic. Other than that its mainly only discussed when related to the West.
What did you learn about other country's history in grade school?
kek. all those european countries now are inhabited by disarmed homos who banned hate speech while the african CHAD slaughters wh*te farmers. africa won, europe lost. get over it cumskin
I don't know, I forgot everything
Medieval history is Kino. Germany especially.
No Greece? Good lord.
We learned about Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece yes (implied by classical history), but don't really talk about the Ottoman Empire (aside form WW1) or the Greek War of Independence or the Eastern Roman Empire really
Mad you learn about Henry the eighth, I always just assumed he was a popular topic for kids here because he was a bit of a meme and had a lot of drama with his wives and was really fat
>slaughters white farmers
>don't know how to grow food
>REEEEEE, white people, give us money
Every single fucking time. Sudan has to give us some money.
We learned about the cold war which included the US in a big way and the civil rights movement for the US
Germany had the rise to power of the Nazis
Russia had history of the USSR
That's about it I think for our final exams which I actually remember, we mainly did more modern history in secondary school, stuff linger ago was for younger kids
The Tudors are the part of British history we learn the most about, and with reason, they are probably your most historically significant dynasties, they ushered in the Renaissance and Protestantism and really made England into the world power that they would become.
But don't really learn about the War of Roses or Henry VII, which we probably should.
The "White saffers are getting holocausted" narrative is so cringe worthy and is usually either propagated by non-South Africans or South African Emigrants.
Yes South Africa has high crime, but blacks are actually more likely to be a victim. Black South Africans don't resent White South Africans, they hate immigrants from the North way more.
US: just the civil war
Ireland: basically their independence movement
France: just French revolution
China: basically all of their history but mostly focus on Qing dynasty
Can't really think of other countries, mostly stuff like industrial revolution was presented in an universal context. I finished school 10 years ago so I don't remember that much.
>America (at least my state) talks a lot about classical history and modern history, but medieval is kind of neglected.
Yes, same thing here. For once, I didn't even knew what was the Holy Roman Empire until I started playing EU4 on the 3rd year of High School.
Overall, it's more about the history of Portugal during the Discoveries, history of Brazil and general history. Though I feel they could spent more time in some particular events and time periods instead of just doing a big tldr and rewiding it on High School.
Yeah it was a big period of change with him about, just assumed you'd learn about stuff like the magna carta because that's had more far reaching consequences for the US
We did learn Magna Carta, but not the failings by Richard Lionheart that forced King John into a bad enough situation where he had to sign it.
History is so fucking boring
>martin luther
>french revolution
>russian revolution
>cold war
Rest was just about our selves with britain, denmark and norway making some appearances.
What the fuck happens in Faroese history?
>Viking 1 gets angry at Viking 2 for fucking his qt Irish wife and starts a civil war
Damn your school taught you way more than mine did except we also learned about ancient Egypt and ancient Greece.
This I actually want to know
>christiany comes
>union with denmark
>written language
>nólsoyar páll
>change from serfdom to fishing society
>thing is closed
>fight for selfdermination
>faroese recognised
>british occupation
>the independence referendum
>klaksvík rebellion
>cold war
>90s economic crisis
with a whole lot of old folk stories, ballads and local village history thrown in.
I don't remember anymore
Yeah we learned Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece but I was mainly talking about modern history in my posts. We also learned Iraqi history when we talked about Mesopotamia, i suppose.
Your school probably also taught you a lot of these things you just can't remember. Think hard back to your world history classes. I come from one of the poorest states and this was all in the statewide curriculum.
i literally didn't learn history in school
but my history """teacher""" sure did spend a lot of time discussing politics and how denmark would be a shithole without the social democratic party
he fell down stairs shortly after graduating from middle school and had to retire. good riddance.
Why did you school focus on chinese history?
His school took gibs from the Confucius Institute
I barely remember anything what i learned in history classes , 99% of my history knowledge comes from the internet
i learned europe bad, america bad, brazil bad but also good and poor victims. learned about the minutiae of all the lame ass presidents from here.
we covered everything again in highschool in way more detail, so i have no idea what i had already learned before
cause they may end up ruling the world
The first semester is all about ancient Greece and Rome, plus one hour for Mesopotamia/Egypt
Then we're going chronologically. Quite a lot of detail about our immediate neighbourhood (eastern German states, Bohemia, Habsburgs, Hungary, Ruthenia, Baltics, Russia). Otherwise, a lot about France and bits about our on-and-off enemies like Moldavia, Transylvania, Sweden and Turkey.
The rest of Europe gets like two hours each at most:
>Portugal -> Age of Exploration
>Spain ->Exploration+Reconquista, War of Spanish succession
>Italy -> birth of Renaissance, unification
>Balkans -> Balkan Wars + WW1 beginning
>Norway/Denmark -> Viking Era in Western Europe
>Finland -> Winter War
Belgium, the Netherlands and modern Greece get precisely one mention each at the time of gaining independence. Japan gets one hour for Meiji reforms and Russo-Japanese war. US gets two for War of Independence and Civil War. One hour extra for the Pacific Theatre of WW2. One hour for the Holy Land crusades. One hour for Scramble for Africa... I think that's it.
Oh right. England gets the 100 Years War, Magna Charta and Cromwell. Scotland, Wales and Ireland were mentioned exactly zero times over 9 years of my history classes.
Dumb meme