Do you support a Europe of 100 flags and real nations, Yas Forums?

Do you support a Europe of 100 flags and real nations, Yas Forums?

Attached: europeof100flags.jpg (2815x2868, 471.48K)

First step to federalism is the removal of traditional nation ststes

>That Transylvanian enclave and independent Silesia

Why do foreigners think that Halland should be a part of an independent Skåne state?

We're not Scanians at all and if this happened I would immediately start fighting for us to be reunited with our Swedish brothers.

First off all stop splintering us. Second of all why mainly split of the south if you do split germany us. North germany is not a uniform region, North west germany has,nothing to do with east germany and I would prefer not to be stuck alone with eastoids if the south splits off.


no, I want to be part of Germany
t. Baden-Württemberg

Are you Swabian?

No, a lot of those ethnic groups aren't even real things anymore.

yes but I don't really consider myself that
I'm German

Yes, I long for the day when Veneto secedes from Shitaly and I can go home.

its all fucked somehow. there are no solutions. at least the soviet union had the energy to collapse

>Occitania Normandy, Alsace
>real nation

Shut the fuck up jacobinite

>real nation
Elsaß was independent for hundreds of years you idiot. Breton people also used to have self rule back in the days

It's missing mine.

Attached: 1024px-Flag_of_Franche-Comté.svg.png (1024x683, 94.62K)

No. I support the Europe of 1 flag.

Attached: flag.jpg (1471x1001, 132.8K)

finnic nations unite


Yes, but only with them all under one European Confederation.

>this flag enrages the putinbot and the brainwashed Yas Forumstard
Viva la Evropa!!

Attached: flag 2.jpg (800x800, 65.59K)

You must not go out of your bubble very much

Yes, please!

Attached: 9834859437598.png (754x606, 408.73K)

That's why i said nothing about breton but if you say that for alcase then add provence, burgundy...
Occitania does not exist and alsace like burgundy have 0 independance idea

Yeah, i guess you're right. Putin and Yas Forums are pro EU and i have no idea what i'm talking about.

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 6.08K)

I'm not talking about your little obsessions.

пидopaхa бeгaй cи вкъщи бe, вмиpиcaн paшки пeдepacт

>but if you say that for alcase
Bro I just told you, I see no reason why Elsaß couldn't be a nation.

They were independent from you guys for hundreds of years, have their own language, culture

They even have an independence party

Oui un mème, comme la plupart des régions française...

>comme la plupart des régions française
Comme tu le sais, les Alsaciens ont vraiment une langue et culture spéciale. Pourquoi est-ce que tu pense que la Bretagne est une nation mais Alsace est seulement une région...?