Blacks from Yas Forums. Do you get more offended when you're called "Nigger" or "Mutt"?
Blacks from Yas Forums. Do you get more offended when you're called "Nigger" or "Mutt"?
it's not the word it's the intentions behind it
Your fellow black countrymen don't seem to think so
As a mulatto, both are offensive but obviously expected on Yas Forums of all places
that's why I don't like being called roach, because people actually mean it, dehumanizing you
I get offended at random shit with no ill intent that makes no sense then brush off death threats like it's nothing.
Not anymore
please I'm literally crying
Fucking roach
the response to the words gives them their power, people need to understand this
why do they hate me so
i dont get offended at poo or pajeet bc they don't exist outside of Yas Forums. but coolie or shitskin triggers the fuck out of me.
I've been on Yas Forums for 5 years, those words do nothing to me.
They fear your power.
Help me understand this "dehumanizing" thing. Is there a reason in particular you care about what people have to say? Personally I don't give a shit about what anyone says because i know people are shit and think everyone is below me, be that whoever it is. So what is it to you?
What is a coolie? I never heard that
What does that mean?
white but always found the racism here cringe. Maybe because l grew up in London
Not you personally, your nation. Also I can't stand those house wifes and their Turkish soap operas.
One can fear about the unknown and I know my enemy very well. I can have power as well.
I'm American but I'm not a white American so no
nah but being called candies is kinda discriminatory i feel like
You are African, your context is different, those words are exclusively aimed at americans, and I'm sure american blacks hate you for being an African yourself, even though african bvlls are the superior precursor race that inherited the earth.
I did not choose my birthplace and I never bring up religion, history, ethnicity and politics + these guys don't even know me, it's literally only because >flag
>this thread
Jesus christ I'm so happy im white
>thinking blacks give a fuck what you call them, thinking they put what you view them as above what they view themselves as
Only cucks do that, you must not know many black people
native londoners are cucks by birth
t. lived in London for 2 years
you don't care what anyone says because you aren't systematically oppressed in your country because of your race, it's not even something you have to think about, nigger is just a word but there's a lot of power behind it
All turks are roachs
I don’t get offended because my ego is too high to care about some random guy’s opinion
Why do cucks post this cope shit? like there aren't 4389594388348394843438 amateur shit all over the web of every single race of women equally getting blacked. Actually, answered my own question. I suppose that's why.
l'm a cuck because l dont hate black people?
Ah heck I’m not black, but spics are also discriminated
>all [ethnicity X] are [derogatory term Y]
not true, even gypsies can be good people
never got offended at slurs but what reaaly gets me if other person disregards anything I would say just because of my flag.
>Getting offended over a maymay that is contained to a Rwandan machete enthusiast forum
At least nigger has some weight and history behind it.
how does one acquire a n-word pass?
I have to admit that if I put myself on their shoes, I feel empathy, and I have black friends that I really respect as people. But there's something very weird inside me that whenever I see those tribal behaviours in real african populations, or ghetto behaviour here in europe and all that stupid clowning where they are poor as fuck but still buy jewlery and obsess about dicks that just activates my racism incredibly and my mind immediately starts blasting NIGGERS NIGGERS STUPID NIGGERS THEY REALLY MONKEYS THAT'S WHY THEY NEVER HAD A CIVILIZATION
It's weird
Euro blacks are undoubtedly the inferior blacks along with Africans
just say it where you are and get ready to experience the earth shattering consequences. There are actual material issues affecting our communities (including physical violence that's racially motivated, poor health services and education) and this nonsense takes up too much time
I was baiting
I've never met a single gypsy that wasn't evil and subhuman, I simply refuse not to discriminate against gypsies; I unironically think they should be all forcibly sterilized
Can confirm. I've seen young Blacks argue viciously with older Africans before. The Africans typically laugh and say, "YOU ARE WEST AFRICAN, JUST LIKE ME. WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS THINGS?" Cue seething Nigress going "I AIN'T NO AFRICAN, NIGGA, I'M A PROUD, YOUNG, AMERICAN FEMALE. Y'ALL NIGGAS MAY BEAT YOUR WIVES BUT I DARE YOU TO PUT A HAND ON ME, NIGGA."
Saw this happen once about three years ago on a line at a check cashing place
I find them odd but not worthy of hate, a family here with coloured hair and eyes had the father once beg me for 20SDG (a substantial sum at the time)
2 weeks later he drove by in a brand new SUV, amazing frugality
No, the hiphop niggas with shooting and chimpouts and WEWUZKANGZ and KILLWHITEI shit is exactly the same.
look at all these shitskin neger roaches
Just kidding. You seem like a good person. Excuse me if I offended you. My joke was very tasteless and it does not represent who I am. My apologies.
I hope there's some cute term for blacks
There's a ton of amateur interracial of most pairings, it's just certain pairings are more expectable due to 1. social stigmas and 2. racist ideas that are propagated through a number of various media, not limited to just pornography (in particular, the BBC myth)
However gypsies are scum and deserve to be crucified tbf.
thanks fren
I did, but they're very rare, that's why I said "even"
don't promote homo/transsexuality
Yeah, but why do you identify with your flag then? As others said,cockroach
is a meme, like calling americans pigs. Nobody knows you, so no insult is intended to you.
But nigger, you're not opressed. Comparatively, my people is opressed. No matter how much effort i put in studying, i will never be given permission to work in the US, no matter how much money i pour into it, all because of my country, they see me as a migrant and an animal subhuman.You are black, you live in a country of oportunities and people are looking up to you. Your culture is dominant, racists have to bow to you now. Come on, I don't blame americans all day for teaching my government to torture people,behead families and display their bodies sitting around a table with their heads under their hands. I blame americans for being idiots but thats another problem.
Why are you not proud of your own accomplishments?
Here they are almost all criminals, they rob people, blackmail weak populations into paying them protection money, all their kids carry knives and try to stab the other kids and their parents support them, they all marry their cousins, etc. They are the most subhuman group of people I have ever been aware of.
jannies hit the roach with some raid
probably shitposting but still
Mutt’s Law
If you guys could give us a nickname, what would it be? Come on hit us with your best shot
It has as much weight as you give it. The meanings of words can change, and at this point Nigger is not used in the same derogatory way. In fact, calling whites "Slavers" can be more offensive than the word Nigger, since now its used in many other contexts that its lost meaning.
Just say it. Say it with me. Nigger. Get a black friend and call him that all the time, tell him to call you massah to see how people react, you'll be the target of death threats after all.