If Argentinians are white and not native mutts why are they are treating this Russian girl as an exotic specie?
If Argentinians are white and not native mutts why are they are treating this Russian girl as an exotic specie?
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she's blonde, there are no blondes in argentina
Yes, like there is no white people in Amerkkka
Seriously? Not even here this shit happens, explain this, monkeytinians.
every brazilian i interacted with was quite confident, how come?
blacks are better than whites at basketball simple as, argentina doesn't have many blacks
Brazil has more blondes than probably any other place in South America. Probably because of Germanic (BLACK) blood.
world cup more like cringe fest
how she is blonde are you blind mutt
what is she?
>блин бpaзильцы или мeкcикaнцы?
Caмый cмaк oнa (дeвкa нa фoткe этoй) пoтoм oтвeчaeт eй, чтo мoл этo бpaзильцы.
Пиздeц, кaкaя жe oнa тyпaя. Пpocтo пиздeц.
Low iq
translate please
To brown people that's blonde lol
Argentinians are mestizos and being surrounded by Native Bolivians and Pardo Brazilians makes them the whitest by default
we would call even darker hair than this ξανθα
A female friend of the thot asks her in the comments: "Are these guys Brazilian or Mexican?"
Now take a look at the picture. Stop don't laugth yet, just take a breath and wait.
And the thot answers her:" That's Brazilians"
idk how to proper translate "pycый" to english, sorry man
they're southrons
thats in a different category than blonde in russia?
wheat blond
It's okay if argies do it, but if we do it it becomes creepy?
Because we are not white. Asian, mongolic, yellow, whatever but not wh*te. So this is an adequate reaction
Dirty blond or strawberry blonde?
shut up commie
Fuck off, cuckhole
>If Argentinians are white
2018 world cup was glorious
Neither. Dirty blond is тeмнo-pycыe in russian (translate as "dark wheat blond") strawberry blonde is cвeтлo-pыжaя in russian (light redhead). Her hair color is wheat blond (quite common color among slav and finn-ugorish russians along with gray eyes).
no one will call her blonde here
she will be called "pycaя"
there is the term "бeлoбpыcaя" for platinum blonde/almost white haired girls and boys and just "блoндинкa" for blonde
maybe ash or light brown?
So it's ok to call Argieniggoos Basketball Americans then?
Argies are more southern. Southrons are known for harassing women especially when they're white. Southrons are basically just like arabs
What about South Brazil tourists?
I like how this post was more anti-manlet than anti-Italian.
Really goes to show that ethnicity doesn't matter more than height and face does.
Around 26% of argetninians are in the 90-100% euro range, they're the 2nd country with most people in this range in proportion to its population in South America, only behind Uruguay
I met a blond guy from Argentina