can you own a gun in your country?
Can you own a gun in your country?
Yes, Sweden is one of the highest ranking countries when it comes to guns per capita.
You can even own more than one
Yes, can own anything you want with a collecting license.
And all firearms manufactured before 1890 are license free.
nah that's just a rumor
I swear I've seen this picture before. Do you post on /k/?
Sometimes yeah
Gun lover is fucking cringe.
$249 shipped back in 2016. Sadly, the surplus market completely died around the same time.
t. soy sauce lover
why do you need a gun for? are you being insecure about your masculinity? i bet you're a virgin also.
That is 10/10 Road Warrior Gear!
Would pay for it quintz the retail.
All I got is a shitty rusty spray n pray AK 47 supposedly (((taken off an ambushed bolshevik))) and an PSP rifle. My gun dick would grow meters with that thing.
Yes but I live in Commiefornia,so kinda no.
Seriously, if you live in a decent country, you don't need a gun. You guys have guns, that means your country is shit.
Why do you need to project? Who said anything about "needing" anyway? "Freedom" doesn't translate in Russian? Less virgin than you at any rate.
You know corona chan will eventually mutate and start turning bydlo into zombies,yes?
What you gonna shoot em with, water pistols filled with soy milk?
>All I got is a shitty rusty spray n pray AK 47 supposedly (((taken off an ambushed bolshevik))) and an PSP rifle. My gun dick would grow meters with that thing.
The ironic thing is that American gun collectors would give their left nut for a legitimate full auto warsaw pact AK, but the Remington 870 in the OP pic is like $175 used from a pawn shop all day and no one would give it a second glance here.
>monster girls
I contributed to this.
>why do you need a gun for?
>it's not 'shopped
Also LOL North Dakota.
Only reason why I hold on to this thing is because the stupid merchant hooked me with his , most likely bullshit story, (((durr taken off ambushed bolshevik by brave mujahideen))) story.
I like my compound bow more.
Canada is a gun country.
Wow I'm glad the incels in this thread can own big black cock extenders to make them feel more adequate. It only costed 22 Canadians lives.
Would be decent bait if it wasn't so overused.
Yes, I just need to pay for relatively expensive licenses and prove in an interview that I'm not mentally unhinged