Why does this thing exist

why does this thing exist

Attached: iu.jpg (1600x1600, 1.03M)

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Because fuck Serbians and Greeks

The people who live there wanted to be independent from the Serbian occupation.

But it doesn't user

Attached: serbia.png (2840x2160, 3.43M)

Kosovo is Albania
Fuck Serbian imperialists

Ok so during the first part of the 20th century in yugoslavia there was always a danger of serbian domination in yugoslavia and croats and slovenes didnt like that. So in order to correct this imbalance and make the votes equally important tito divided serbia and made kosovo and vojvodina as separate provinces of serbia that would counterbalance serbian political domination. Later that balance was fucked by based retard slobodan milosevic

That’s right, raska and the presevo valley are also a part of Kosovo which should belong to Albania.

And with the breakup of yugoslavia we are just left with weaker serbia and greater albania in the making. Why are westoids ok with greater albania it still puzzles me

Well America made it possible in the first way. Also someone post the song.

based albaners

It's ethnically albanian

>It puzzles me
Serbs suck Russian cock and drink Russian semen. Albanians don't.

it's not like greater albania is some type of superpower lmao

Love Serbia
Hate Albania
simple as


Because of Ameridogs

Give Uzbek region then

because of bill clinton, one of the last decent presidents of the united states

Unlike you we keep them in check by having ethnic cleansings every 20 years

I unironically think we patroll down there to spite you.
That said, pls enter the EU, you bring everything to collapse you are part off, including yourself

Because Serbia is a poop country filled with piss stain ape people.

ALL Of S*rbia should be destroyed!

Attached: IFIXEDSERBIA.png (184x179, 5.13K)

You have to go back Xherdan

Now this is based

Now fix half of bosnia and montenegro too. Serbs dont need a country to survive, we didnt have one for 500 years

I thought serbia and Azerbaijan are friendly nations

Yes they are germans dogs, israel is just a red herring

Albanians ethnically cleansing the serbs after ww2 and then americans supported albanian terrorists and drug dealers and then bombed the shit out of yugoslav civilians so the albanian lebensraum could be a nato pawn

Can you be more deluded then this?


i cant hear you over the american jets flying through the border sorry

True, also research uçk. Terrorism = american interests

I like this one better bro


>i cant hear you over the american jets flying through the border sorry
>American semen nom nom nommy

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