Nordcucks BTFO

Nordcucks BTFO
Med master race.

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shut the fuck up your boring retard


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>89% of women prefer
Women don’t “prefer” anything. They take what they are given, otherwise no other men would be getting all of these 89% of them.

Reminder that med women will also prefer nord men and vice versa. It's entirely about exoticness.

>women take what they’re given
No that’s men. Women want the top 20% of guys [nobody on Yas Forums is in this category] and if they can’t get them then they stay single until they can get one for themselves. Most guys on the other hand are okay with scraps.

o rly?

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Nobody cares about your math nerd

Nord men have gay alien skulls so keep coping subhuman

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women prefer what's "exotic" to them

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Just get a tan lol

Women can say what they pls though. If chris hemsworth and danny devito walk into the same room, which do you think would walk out with the girl?

How do I, a reasonably above average man who has had a handful of relationships and plenty of casual sex with attractive women, fit into your incel world view? Am I an anomaly to you? Most of my friends have similar experiences.

Where do you think ugly, stupid and dysfunctional people come from? Gross people pair up and make babies all the time, non-stop, everywhere and will not stop ever.

Your post reads like some pathological Yas Forums shit that hasn't come into contact with reality for 10 years.

Why are americans so BASED today?

I want the guy on left to fuck the guy on right :^)

right can easily grow into a burly chad, left is doomed to be a fat olivecel as he ages

Serious question though. How many med males have legitimately been lusted after compared to others? I mean in Greek/Roman movies they're always portrayed by either North euro or Slavic men. Seems like more of a romanticism thing than actual attraction. I mean even in the vampire diaries the "italian" heart throbs were portrayed by a Pollack and a mutt. America has like 17 million Italians, they shouldn't have to cast anglo/french mutts and pollacks as Italians. Unless........the italians didn't fit the writers standard of beauty.

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All women prefer Jomon you retard fat.

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I am a nord and I love med cock
Med cock is literally made for nord mouths

How are half of the population married if only top 20% men fuck, and how hasn't inbreeding caught up outside of Finland and GB if 20% of men and their descendants breed every woman

Italians are often too short or recessed and the american general public wants to see tall men with light eyes. Would you really see a spartan movie with a bunch of half naked hairy manlets?

Ive met a lot of pretty girls who date ugly UGLY guys. I don’t think most of them nowadays look for a model. But it’s true straight men would fuck anything with a vagina.

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>Is racial preference racist?

Is it racist that I'm a white man that is more sexually attracted to Latinas and East Asian women than I am to white women?

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Is this even a surprise? Just look at the beauty standard. It's always Med/Alpine European-Americans.

No? there's nothing med about Pitt, Hemsworth, or Cruise. Even the "meds" that are liked in hollywood majority don't look med. Chris Evans looks more like his Irish side than Italian. Leonardo Dicaprio took almost entirely after his Russian grandmother.

>Just a small part of the population prefer to be a millionaire otherwise everyone should be a millionaire

Medoids BTFO

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Brown hair based

the right doesn't get that color when they tan. They turn pink or get sun burn. Or an an orange color that isn't olive

Italians don't look any different than most white/european people

>Italians don't look any different than most white/european people

it's not like any of you virgins is getting attention from women be it you be med or nord lol

Wow haven't seen this same shit pic posted here a million times before. So interesting!

99% of Italians look the same as the rest of Europe. The 1% that look a little swarthy are assimilated arabs and near east people but they aren't any sizeable chunk. The darker Italians in America are descendants of Italian gypsies from Southern Europe who have indian gypsy blood

Why is Yas Forums forcing the same image for several years?