Jesus fucking Christ Brits

Jesus fucking Christ Brits...

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>24.3% were given Quaranic names

This country is a joke

>24.3% were given Quaranic names
mashallah, britian!

>24.3% were given Quaranic names
Thank fuck these losers are leaving Europe. Cannot wait

What kind of tv shows?lots of tv show characters have normal names


U posted that on pol also

In France the percentage is probably more than 50%.

Modern day Bongistan people.

Can I get a link to this article? I can't find it.

Nah, you swallowed too much propaganda

Fuck jannies

you swallowed too much muslim semen

top kek

Ok Ahmed

I'm not saying it because of the percentage of population, but because birth rates for muslims are like 10x the ones for native french. Also, I work for a french company and sometimes I have to be in france, also my mother works in Paris half the year, I probably have a better picture of it than most of the non-French posters here.

and salam aleikum

It doesn't exist.

everyone ITT is Ahmed


Me name? Et's Robb Stark, lad.

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Fuck the Starks.

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It's a yanks post fake article and everyone believes it edition


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can you imagine reading this and having atomic weapons and not using it on yourself?

I really love old English Victorian culture. It's so sad that the soul of that country died.

It's real.

Do they ask every parent who the baby was named after?

Well they don't have white texas names like Colson or Kayler or whatever.

Alhamdulilah. While the european garbage are allowing themselves to be way too influenced by, and be too obsessed with their media and mundane entertainment industry,, Muslims still have in their heart a love for what is beyond the temporal worldly pleasures. Thank you God, this is nothing short of a blessing.

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why are 4channelers so retarded and gullible?
i'm not even surprised there's so many flat earthers on this site you people have actual shit for brains

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where's the daughters head scarf? hope the father threw acid in her face for not wearing it

>24.3% were given Quranic names
Holy kek

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is this how you cope Jeevan?

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Based fertility goddess

>Yes these are my twin sons Rick and Morty why do you ask?

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Yes, women are ripe beyond the age of 9 (the age of Aischa when Muhammed started fucking her) so she should definitely be covered up.

According to sensationalist newspapers 17% of newborns have "muslim" names, its seems absurdly high to me

Chav fashion for names is faux Irish names like Kirean, Tyler , Connor , Padraic

Biblical names also seem to be a trend all though I don't even know anyone whose seriously Christian

probaly the same in all other western european countries

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Source: a fake article

Like clockwork