These dudes aren't white

These dudes aren't white

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inshallaha We will soon impregnate the entire world with our seed and turn the world into a BLACK BVLL paradise.

K dude nobody says otherwise
Also >rent free

I remmeber I stopped at a shop and all the bananas were green so I asked the clerk "porque los bananas esta verde ?" and he acted like he didn't understand.

Es porque no estaban maduras.

Yeah I know but it angered me on the spot, he looked like a weirdo when my question was legitimate.

Es porque eres gabacho.
Al enemigo ni agua.

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La gente no está acostumbrada a ver franceses hablando español, es raro de ver.

maybe he didn't know the chemical process behind the presence of the green color

And that's a good thing

Why are you so obsessed with them nigga

Why would we want to be wh*Toids in the first place?

frenchmen with dutch girl

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I wish I had screencaped all those machu pichus saying they don't care about Spain

Races are a new world concept, where there are (or rather were) district lines showing who is what. In the old world, races have always belonged to a spectrum (except Bantus because of they were too separated)
abos are not humans btw

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It's a stupid question. They're green because they're not yellow yet. Buy them and wait or ask if they have yellow ones kek.

What kind of response did you expect?

spaniards would be white today if the visigoths would have seen the threat early which is exactly what is happening again in europe

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Good. Fuck wh*tes. They are weak and soyboys.

depending on the banana, they've could've actually been green plantains which aren't edible unless cooked

Spanishits are not PoC. Kill them all

"New world concept" races are a natural concept that babies could distinguish between an Arab doll and a white doll.

Post your side profile.

Visicucks literally invited the invaders because they couldn't solve their internal feuds on their own. There was even a visigothic islamic kingdom in modern day Aragon.

wtf i like spain now

I don't care about Visigoths they were a minority, what I dispute is the Islamic conquest of Astures, Cantabrians, Alavans, Guipuzkoans, Bikayans and the honor and integrity of my ancestors not being conquered by Islamic Invaders.


What does that have to do with anything? Your post is completely unrelated to what he said and what I said. Take your meds sCHIzo.

Äraps are not a race, compare someone a Yemeni to a Syrian. I know a green-eyed red-haired Palestinian personally

Those aren't common here

I have nothing in common with Chicanos.

Pay up white boy

Then are you indistinguishable from a while man, yes or no?

I seek victory and dominance everywhere, so I understand you might not want to post your side profile in this board, post your eye or eye region and tell me if they are the same.

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> he believes he's white
You look either Algerian or like a murciANO

How come every Arab seems to know a white looking Arab but when you go the Arab ghetto they all look brown

Do not make threads about them

he can't grow a beard, the amerindian genes are strong in him

no amerindian, but he's defo at least a bit part ssa

Shut up monkey, we are nothing alike.

I have 0% negro or Indio blood.

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fucking KEK you can't get more jewish than this post

Yeah, he has massive LIPS (notice how I typed it in upper-case to emphasize the sheer size of his LIPS (I did it again ;))), so he definitely has some negro admixture.

are both of your parents born in spain? or can you trace your 8 great grandparents back to them being born in Spain? If not, then you have higher than 0% native or afro blood. Nothing wrong with that

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