Japan is a first world country

>Japan is a first world country

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Japanese girls should all be gay(yuri)

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its petty forced. you shouldnt be that try-hard. subtle or obscure ones are the way to go

there's no soul in dirt rivers and shacks

Looks like a comfy place to raise my 15 kids, where do I sign up?

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Post Japanese commieblocks

You realize that's a Korean neighbourhood, right?No Japanese lives there. It's a Korean slum.

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you are so stupid, gaijin

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Do weebs really?

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holy soulerino

look pal droop the vpn you are not convincing anyone

He's cherry picking a little. But honestly rural Japan looks marginally better than these pictures.

It's to be expected when the vast majority of home/property owners are 80+.

one of my comrades lived there

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I remember this.

This is where this is based off of, right? Lawless Japanese ghetto? No police allowed?

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Skid row?

more commieblock looking one. the same area as

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no, osaka

Looks like south-western VN riverside 10 years ago where i were born.
I always disgust by these kind of structures and black water.

scrap buying sites?

hey, that's where I get my video games from

>people cant be poor in the first wolrd

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explain this picture

That picture does look like a shithole, but the fascinating thing about Japan is that even your poor areas look interesting. Some months ago someone posted a picture of some Japanese slum and it had junkyard nearby with lots of scrap and stuff, but it still looked like an interesting place.

By this logic no country is first world because there's some ugly streets somewhere.

this is your brain on animu