
Eagrán Roibéard Mac an Phéitse

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the mother is watching Joe Rogan and Bald and Bankrupt all day

Attached: john joe.jpg (370x280, 22.79K)

I've had enough

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Get her to watch the Alex Jones episode
never heard of bald and bankrupt

Me too.
But I've come to realise that the blackpill doomers were right and it'll come back with even worse disruption (genuine shortages, actual breadlines, possibly rioting/crime wave). For the next year or two.

>on Yas Forums
>hasn't heard of /ourguy/ bald, poo befriending vatnik explorer

Yeah Bald and Bankrupt is a gas man, don't think i'll ever go to any of those countries though lol

I don't watch normie youtube and as mentioned previously in this general, the algorithm has really been crippled to stop recommending people engage with content outside their current awareness.


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this is just embarrassing. a publicity stunt.

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It's an outgrowth of "boomer conservatism". Emblematic of how older people with access to computers and a sense that the country is on the wrong track (which it is) are connected into the same maga/q-user nonsense network as yank boomers are being psyopped into.

cén cluichí a bhfuil sibh ag imirt?

they're Irish gammons basically

I think the phenomenon is far more American than English, the use of the derogratory "gammon" is more revealing of the English leanings of the establishment/"left" here.

watching syrian war footage

fairly boring war


Explain more "Interesting" wars anyway
Syria was my first foray into what war was "actually" like, besides pointlessly gory ISIS/cartel torture voyeurism

>Syria was my first foray into what war was "actually" like
didn't realize you went

who u fight for lad

For me? It's Tahrir al Sham. Perfect blend of moderate jihadi salafism

I mean watching uncensored video, particularly with modern go pro cameras
pretty hard-hitting even though I'd already seen the shock jock execution videos from ISIS and the cartels (who have tiny balls compared to people fighting in actual wars)
I remember one of a tank crew, only some of the crew escaping, injured, before it burns out. It's pretty weird but I was studying it way back near the start of it in comparison to the relatively harsh censorship on war in the past, and how it allowed people to be more ignorant about it, but it almost exactly matched probably the grimmest WW2 footage I was aware of - a Pershing and Sherman versus a Panther. Eerily similar - mutilation, escape, and explosion.
made the fallout games' catchphrase strike home more clearly

ones where it's not sandnigs fighting each other

Ukraine is far more boring tbqh. The ideologues are dupes and the outcome is already decided in the bigger picture.

They literally had to do nothing. Just sit back and people would have gotten naturally more sceptical of globalization post Covid 19

Fuck sake now they look stupid and people will think they're retard (which they clearly must be)
They blew it

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I agree

Very little more pathetic than the Azov battalion Nazis fighting for the most Jewish regime in the world! SAD!

Pretty funny but it's interesting that my opinions of who are the good guys has changed so drastically since getting a clue about things. If I had to say who the greatest and most classically heroic fighters in both the 20th and 21st centuries are it's the Taliban. Simple as.

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i hate the irish attitude towards everything.

there's "Irish™" and there's Gaelic (RIP)

tfw there's inevitably going to be a war after reunification
only hope we win it tbqh

Chan eil mi thuine ach tarbh.

ní thuigim, a hAlbanach uasal

pretty sure if they had to call a second election to decide who was in government I would vote for S*nn Feign

Tha mi tarbh.

we have strength in numbers anyway