1. your country

1. your country
2. is your country full of cultists?

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Protestantism was a mistake.

There's no way this is real, this person needs to be punched.


cringe libtard

>There's no way this is real, this person needs to be punched.

Attached: soy89.png (297x767, 161.15K)

cringe migacel tranny fluoridehead freak

hey retard, have you not heard of the baby boomers yet

Why is America filled with so many weirdos like that?

why has this not been burned down for heresy yet?

Trumpvirus is a bible plague
Gods is punishing us for electing altright leaders :(

I rather be a liberal and be saved, than some republican degenerate that will be thrown into the lake of fire for putting someone before God.

They need to repent

I love trump but I'd vandalize this shit

Why do you care? Drumpf is an Israeli-Saudi puppet.

People care for things for many different reasons
There a lot of nuance in the world
The mind wants to find patterns in nature but sometimes it’s to it’s own detriment

Consoomer-vangelicals are the weirdest phenomenon. Like, money is literally against the bible



>I love trump
Gay & Bluepilled

A literal death cult

yes and they build mega churches

Attached: catedral-da-fe-igreja-universal-do-reino-de-deus.jpg (640x425, 117.08K)


lol you don't need to include saudi. mah saudis are doing everything! they did 9/11, and totally not the other guy.......


arent they the same people who call Catholics and Orthodox evil because they have large fancy cathedrals?

>t. a country that decapitates people in the name of a pedo that apparently flew around on a pony with wings

>is your country full of cultists?
l wouldnt go that far but it's full of retards

you stupid monkey. look at his flag.
it was a team effort. also, israel killed RFK.

Fuck off atheists, glory to god above all

Aren’t you an arab yourself?

Attached: 63FDEB88-DB6B-4D12-A5FE-D28447534F09.jpg (786x760, 67.64K)

hey I saw this on reddit too


is that a cathedral? looks like a bank lol

I personally have never heard that allegation.
Usually these guys call catholics idolater/idolatress/idolatrous dunno the proper word.
Pic related can fit 60k people

Attached: 8-o-templo-da-gloria-de-deus-da-igreja-pentecostal-deus-e-amor-tem-capacidade-para-60-mil-pessoas-1472508441422_956x500.jpg (956x500, 279.85K)

People here sometimes think they know me and my motivations from my flag
I’m very different from most brapzilians maybe op is not a npc also


people here are so spiritually death that they can't find the will to that. even all jehova's wittneses are dutch

I got this from twitter.
And this as well lole.

Attached: 85AA5F5E-82E1-4A86-9A43-7E6B93D42F24.jpg (959x607, 178.63K)

Bootlicker arab afrikan Uncle Tom bitch you’re not evropean

They think catholics are the devil because muh book of revelations.

they build some huge shit

Attached: 15-la-primera-sede-mundial01-690x390.jpg (690x390, 58.27K)