These stats mean life is hell for normal people there, or it's just gangs killign each other?
These stats mean life is hell for normal people there, or it's just gangs killign each other?
Tyler Roberts
Colton Martinez
It's more like places that you wouldn't go to at night.
Adam Diaz
according to a são paulo chief of police most of the murders are actually passional
nigga looks funny at your girl and bang bang bang fuck off bitch
Gabriel Lee
Mestizo spics & pardos killing each other aint a bad thing
Leo Gonzalez
you're short sighted that's one of the most compelling reasons they cross the border
Ian Adams
Wtf is their problem?
Christian Bell
I do not care about america
Jaxson Morris
>St Louis
Julian Diaz
For regular people too. Vice/ Vice News and Al Jazera have some good documentaries/video reports about it.
Zachary Martin
I do not care if american blacks & spics kill each other eirher