/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico

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nth for puppies

Taiwan is warm all year round
I wonder why they don't have flies everywhere, all the time
I have never seen a single fly in my apartment there
Now it's getting warm in Germany and flies are everywhere tryna fuck my shit up, nothing more annoying than their buzzing. It drives me INSANE!!

Also OnlyFans speed is super capped.
Shit takes forever to DL, best I can get is 250kbps

>no gf
>all our clothes are made of plastic
>all our food is weird synthetic shit
>all our water is poisoned
>spend all our time staring into our little glowing rectangles
Yeah isn’t this grand? At least we have infinite libraries of porn amirite buds. I’m sure this pandemic will be over very soon and everything will go right back to normal



>ywn have a ginger leaf gf serving you poutine
This is why we turn to anime

Making a big twosies right now.

New video by Queen Sara!!


another day another dollar

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I make a dollar
OnlyFans makes a dime

He's right

Are leafs seriously not allowed to go outside? The fuck is wrong with you guys

what makes you think that

Attached: 1515728443844.png (482x651, 136.76K)

I think only some provinces have that, mine certainly doesn't

That one leaf who keeps acting like he's forced to stay inside this entire time

Attached: RAMZ'D.jpg (768x1024, 168.06K)

He's a neet that is afraid of his own shadow

I COULD go outside, but I don't want to + I'm afraid of getting sick

Some provinces are stricter than others. I think most of them just ban any incentive to go outside.

Bud's a drama queen, what can we say

what was stopping you for the 6 years that you were an adult before the pandemic?

They banning fresh air and sunshine?

I went outside all the time before the kung flu. This is the longest I've spent inside in my entire life.

Not yet. I'm sure they'll get right on it though.

Why would we want those?

ran out of alcohol before 10, but too drunk to drive. bad sign

can't wait for the Supreme Court to hold that COVID-19 is such an emergency that Trump can halt all immigration but not enough of an emergency to extend absentee voting in Wisconsin by 6 days

One upside about Corona is the roads are dead late at night. By 11/12 it's just pure silence for long stretches. Very peaceful in a slightly creepy way.

You're telling me, find me doing 140 in the left lane at 2:00 AM near Barrie