Imagine, you have your own cultural values, language, history apart (Spain almost always seen as enemy), traditions, your cities and towns look distinct from them... And your names and surnames are also completely different.

And of course, you're more developed than the rest of Spain. Because you have nothing to do with that pejorative topic of a common Spaniard: a lazy southern vividor. And Madrid keeps saying that you're part of Spain. Because you are español, or espanyol or espainiako.

Just imagine. You are now Basque or Catalan. Wouldn't it be fair (basically by common sense) wanting the independence of your nation?

Would you be pro-independence if you were Catalan or Basque?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The EU isn't interested in having Spain split up because of the financial markets and that causing problems for the northern citizens and their loans, interest rates etc plus other reasons which I won't expose to not seem like a poltard

It doesn’t matter what the Basque or Catalonian peoples want, the EU will never let them become independent.

Of course the EU is not interested. But that's not the point here. But we're talking about many things before money.

> Not money
It's 2020 you need to update

So why the Scots had the chance?

Shut the fuck up Scatalonian.
Your independence movement is a joke

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, it will still be a lie, or in your case, a thousand lies.

I am going to say something that you will not like, but you are not as different from other northerners as you might imagine. However, if you wanna feel like a special snowflake and have your own country that is none of my business, after all to me you, the castilians, galicians are foreigners.

T. moorlusian.


>Los 10 apellidos más comunes en Cataluña son, según los datos del Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña (INDESCAT), patronímicos muy habituales en el conjunto de España: García, Martínez, López, Sánchez, Rodríguez, Fernández, Pérez, González, Gómez y Ruiz. Les siguen, hasta el puesto vigésimo, otros nombres de familia no menos frecuentes en el resto del país: Martín, Jiménez, Moreno, Hernández, Muñoz, Díaz, Romero, Navarro, Torres y Álvarez

Independence movements in any country are cringe.

Wow, seems that this Swiss doesn't really understand what national migration is.

I'm sorry.

>you're more developed than the rest of Spain

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How about you allow Scotland another referendum?

Go to the /esp/ thread and you will understand. Dude is not a swiss.

A Spaniard in Switzerland defending the Spanish race with 'Ministerio de Educación de España' data.


What does it matter if we are pro independence if Basques wouldnt even vote pro independence? The only reason to get independence is through blood shed, you live well enough for majority of people to reject this idea.

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I would fear the castillian warrior who number 40 million and could bomb you to dust and seek their unity and part of their nation, but you'll learn to to fear and respect castillians soon enough and beg to be part of Castile

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Scotland joined England in 1707 because sovereignty in the UK resides in the Parliament, and the Scottish and English MPs negotiated the Acts of Union. Spain has the principle of popular sovereignty though, and its laws have to conform to the constitution. Basques and Catalans and Canarians and everyone else could have the chance to make a vote for independence; but then they would have to modify the constitution first, particularly the articles describing the unity of the Spanish state and the conditions around referenda, and they would have to do it through legal channels to modify it (supermajority in parliament etc, like PP-PSOE did some years ago with the articles on finance) instead of saying "lol we declare independence but not really" and becoming a meme for the whole world.
tl;dr UK has Acts of Parliament, Spain has a constitution

Truly the Aryans of Spain, not loud reactionary retards like the rest of us.
Since they are more developed due to genetics i think we should only let em breed en masse and repopulate the old and decadent spain with their children.

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Not sure if this is bait, but Scotland had an independence referendum only 6 years ago and they voted to stay. Opinion polls suggest nothing has changed.

>Rafael de Casanova, 11 de septiembre de 1714, alzándose entre los defensores de Barcelona frente a Felipe V, llamó a la última resistencia: “Por nosotros y por la nación española peleamos. Hoy es el día de morir o vencer. Y no será la primera vez que con gloria inmortal fuera poblada de nuevo esta ciudad defendiendo su rey, la fe de su religión y sus privilegios“.

Nobody cares about these ancient times cartography relics.

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The problem with Spain is that non castillians don't respect and fear the people who have given them freedom and equality and a place in their house but take this as weakness and so they disrespect and insult castillians, if Castile would rise catalonia would cease to exist.


I know, it's so fucking fun mocking the shit out of a retard. Unironically. But I don't care about your Spanish opinions. I'm looking for foreigners' opinions here

The Catalonian Independence Movement is a complete joke. Ratalonians pretend to have an independent culture/way of life/anything they can make up. Then when they want to find successful examples of independence from Spain they point to us. Even though we as a nation have been independent for most of our existance. While Scatalonians WILLINGLY started sucking Castillian cock.
You get what you deserve. You reap what you sow.

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For you it would be an improvement becoming Spanish. For Catalans and Basques is completely de opposite.

We might be a shithole
But at least we aren't Spanish

>Catalonia independence
>many things before money

Do you respect and fear castile?
If so why not?

Based canarychads

Well, m8. Spain is going to collapse after the covid thingy is over and then you will have your chance. It´ll be funny to see how you deal with 1million ethnic castilians inside your territory

Basques or Catalans are doing well when it comes to cultural rights. It's not like the Franco era. They have a level of autonomy that other minorities in Europe wouldn't dream of. They are not endangered so they don't really need independence now.

Second, economic separatism automatically invalidates an independence movement in my view. It's utterly meaningless if an oppressed region is poorer or richer within the country it is in. What matters is if the existence of that group's language and culture is actually threatened and separation would make things right. Being more developed than the rest of Spain could almost be seen as a pro-Spain argument.


how come Canarios are so smart?

Northen african genes, they have gotten all the good genes.

Imagine not being a north western intelectual

I am already pro-Catalan

>Imagine, you have your own cultural values, language, history apart (Spain almost always seen as enemy), traditions, your cities and towns look distinct from them... And your names and surnames are also completely different.

This is a pretty retarded argument. Pretty much every single region in Spain has its own traditions, cities that don't look the same from each other's, we have many languages, names and surnames are also different across different regions Spain. Catalonia isn't more different nor more special than any other region in this country. "Spain" isn't at all a culturally homogeneous country.

>inb4 spanish flag so your opinion doesn't count.

>Well, m8. Spain is going to collapse after the covid thingy is over

Daddy Castile y Leon holds the house together.


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Basado canario Chad

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Am for Basque are Based, Basque are one of the first to settle Europe they should be independant. They achieved pretty great things nottably conquering Latin America
While Catalonia are just whinning people, I respect their quest for aunonomy but independance is far fetched they don't deserve it.

>I'm looking for foreigners' opinions here
They're laughing at you as well, as you can see. You're still convinced that you're civilised, progressive, industrious, like the French or Dutch. You haven't yet understood that you're the same loud, corrupt scum that we are. You and we are Latin Americans who are located geographically in Europe, by pure chance.

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Basques in France should be independant?

Visca Catalunya Lliure

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Honestamente no tengo nada en contra vuestra, solo me hace gracia cuando me topo con algún iluminado en Twitter o por ahí con toques supremacistas.
Deberíais eliminar mucha escoria de vuestro movimiento y unificar un poco más las ideas.

Clarification about :
That is the marks they get in the Collegue access exama (Selectividad), which are performed regionally, Canarians are almost retads, but they have the easisest exams, thus getting access to university waaay easier than a Castilian or Navarre.
Source of the image: elpais.com/politica/2018/06/14/actualidad/1528973212_652532.html

>Spaniard in Switzerland
>Hide Post

Fuck me.

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Simply bad name

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