
the eradicator of iran

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the governor of the gulf

last thread wasn't even slow, why would you force an early new

no way janny just let you disrespect him like that

how do you "shoot down" a boat?

Relevance to British culture?

*slams your head into the wall and repeated stomps on it when you fall to the floor*

i must feel good i must feel good i must feel good

war criminal scum

physically we may have intercourse... but does anyone really SHAG?

report him

let's get to it boys

>america will reopen and, along with sweden and antibody studies in both countries, prove that all other governments are massively overreacting and force them to come back to sanity
orange man good

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how is janny allowing this, did he start ramadan or something?

are tim

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I'm doing okay, decent job, independent, I do interesting things. I just have absolutely no meaning in my life. Probably why I stuff myself full of drugs just to do something

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todays agenda
smoke weed
eat cereal
watch rick and morty

nah i can't be arsed participating in a thread which shouldn't even exist

out of respect to janny i refuse to engage in this thread

jan man wont like this

Yeah sir we've uh.. got some indication of an early new coming in i think it's time to step in

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>Probably why I stuff myself full of drugs just to do something
or it could be because you've got the blood of peasants who starved because they were too busy fermenting potatoes to actually eat them

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Don’t really care that the new is early, but I DO CARE that this is a shite edition

dont understand the gammon meme

I swear to Allah, if they announce another extension without lifting some restrictions in May, I will, and I mean this, get really fucking angry and post about it online! They can't stop me!

so janny allows
>literal black cock interracial porn images
>early new americanized /brit/s

but doesn't allow us to make a normal new at page 6 hmm yes


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is janny an ami or something that he's letting this go by

Does anyone else find themselves weeping at literally everything right now? I'm a very emotional person at the best of times, but this feels like a new level.

dont see him smile much tbqh

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Janny likes to wait until we're 80 posts in

would you say you're happy

Hope the Yanks threaten us into opening up desu. Sick of this bullshit because Boris is a scared little fanny.

being trained up to detect bombs and shit going through x-ray machines

it's honestly whatever, just want toilberg to leave me alone and stop giving me more responsibility for the same pay

Wish they’d bring back gladiatorial combat. Would love to murder/get murdered in an arena. Not a fan of boxing and MMA. The babygloves and faggot rules make it very unappealing. Want to go full ham and bite someone’s ears off and gouge their eyes out. Or bash their skull in with a hammer. Or headbutt them over and over until one or both of us are brain damaged. Don’t like the way bloodsport has been watered down. We need to accept it for what it is and embrace it, or ban it entirely I reckon

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yeah it'll come down to an economic race and money always wins, thankfully

for as long as i remain hopeful i will be content

Lads look how much money i have

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typical brit wanting to ban everything

sucking a shite

My ancestors were resilient enough to overcome terrible opression the likes of which don't exist anymore. Yet here I am with all my needs met without any real work and I just don't feel happy.

cheeky bit of pocket money for the lads

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hello gammon

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I'd want to see what a real fencing fight was like too

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the right to freedom sort of gets in the way of gladitorial practices

hello trustie / inheritance babby

can never look at tim the same after seeing his little willy dripping with cum

whats the worst that can happen

lend us a fucking tenner

left wing on
>foreign policy/wars
right wing on
>everything else

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I know everyone loves the memes but Donald Trump is an irredeemable scumbag who's pursuing policies actively undermining the survival of human civilization and history will not remember him well (if anyone's around to remember him)

racist meme used by so-called anti-racists

i literally have 69 pence in the bank (and i very much intend to keep it that way)

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hello based retards

thats gtav you mong


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>still playing GTA

man if I had this much money my motivation to work would be absolutely non-existent

cant get over this. that whole saga was fuckin hilarious

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GBB (grim beyond belief)

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this was a cry for help but what was he frightened of? the dpd man ? the dentist ?

so just make the animals fights. they don't have rights (or shouldn't, anyway). they're already doing it in boxing.

fucks sake...

why cant rorke accept this?

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he says some retard shit I cringe at but I also love how sometimes he says/does things nobody else every would in 10,000 years

Like when he suggested putting all the illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities and suddenly Nancy Pelosi (who would have been affected) said she was endangering American lives - the very point Drumpf had been making for the last 4 years. Shit like that makes me want to suck his orange cock.

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can do any accent immaculately. ask me to do one and i shall vocaroo it perfectly

How six fit young men were left DISFIGURED and fighting for lives after 'Elephant Man' drugs trial
The human guinea pigs were left WRITHING and SCREAMING in agony as their temperatures soared and their organs began to fail

the construction workers

Is it normal to want to murder everyone during lockdown? Just irrationally angry all the time.

nottinghamshire accent aka nottz with a fucking z you cunt

soph rubbed her fanny to tim's nudes


feel genuinely ill

and their plums?

What are your weapons of choice when it comes to vanquishing your foes lads? for me its dual wielding tiger strip deagles, its also nice to have a katana around for when things get hairy.

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hello lads

was talking drugs till 5am here last night


Abortion is wrong

mad to think she was strumming herself to the attention she was getting a couple nights ago

We'll be providing music/entertainment at the next /brit/ meetup in Reading.
Be there or be square!

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Beer is delicious. Get tae fook!

honestly drugs make /brit/ so much more enjoyable

Abortion is wrong depending on the race of the parents.

rare image, saved
this is unironically how i view brit posters

fucking what? who is this bloke? where did you find this?

Don't get esl people they all moan at nad pronunciation of their words but can't hardly speak English without sounding like a spastic

"rofl" is an unaesthetic laugh

most women who get it aren't high calibre though
I know a woman who's gotten 2 - she's called Carly, got 5 kids of 3 different races and she "TAWKS LOIYK DIS".
Fat cunt too.
You think we need 2 more of her offspring in this world?
No thanks

You know when you're lying in bed and not yet asleep
What do you think about during that time?

through strenuous training and mental conditioning my body is the only weapon i need to kill a man

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my work performance the following day

my view of brit posters is that pic of andy and joe

Mossberg 500

be there or be square friends.
be there.
or be.

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A toast! A toast to all my fellow MKultra sleeper cell agents!

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thats when the carnival kicks in

some biting ecopolitical commentary from shutterstock

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mines that tall bloke walking towards the camera

aha do you have a list of drugs you've done while posting in /brit/ by any chance?

stay the FRICK at home PEOPLE!!!!!

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Clap clap clap

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internet argument is my weapon of choice, 500 battles, 0 defeats

watch star trek

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the latest cop

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ive got a big IQ

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this is how a view the average poster here

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hes so handsome

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prefer not to say

More reddit than reddit itself.

back from my ban

no it isnt

I don't like it when he expresses emotion

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having a read, really engrossing stuff

Lmao, we're gonna have more people die from cancer than COVID at this rate.

would look better bald

Shagger aesthetic

Thought people were joking when they talked about tim posting his willard. Can't believe I missed it

looks like he shaves his head in this one

did i give you permission to post my image?

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Ever look out to sea and wonder what life would be like on a commercial seagoing vessel, like a tanker or freight boat? Wouldn't mind that sort of life

>I've sworn an oath of solitude until the pestilence is purged from the lands

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I wouldn't say what he does is unprecedented, he's basically a continuation of the Bush administration (just far better at it than Bush was)

Immigration is sort of a marginal issue compared to the environment, which, if not dealt with, will become the greatest crisis in all human history.

Beyond that he's more of less running a typical Republican administration which is a massive welfare handout to the super wealthy, at the expense of the general population. Along with trying to stop people from voting.