If these countries were nuked, would anyone even care?

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Belarus, Poland and Ukraine yeah.

me :)

Yes, they are human beings

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>Yes, they are human beings
Unlike people from countries who have nuclear weapons

Poland? Probably. We have more cultural influence on the world in 1 year than Ireland in the last 100 years so probably a lot of people would care.

>Cultural influence

We have more culture, history and economical influence than your tax haven full of white abos shithole so I think yes



100x more than the Belgium of America

they already managed to nuke themselves with tchernobyl lmao

Don't think I'd be able to name a Polish individual if you put a gun to my head.

Polish dota banter will be missed by me

Please stop merging Poland with eastern Slavs, we have nothing in common with them.

i wouldnt, cuz id be dead

Your people can become famous only if they sell their souls to play in boring American movies (William Shatner) or sing shitty songs to American drunken teenagers (Bieber, Drake) LOL

Nobel Prizes
Canada, 27(including creation of insulin for diabetes)
Poland, 18(including nothing of note)

Cope, your languages are identical.

>he didn't invest in eastern poland

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the infinite cope. Just stop bro it's getting sad.

no, i wish the yugoslav wars never ended and they were still chimping out and killing each other to this day

>thinking radiation would affect us
Ye, I think you are mistaken there, Conor

Never realised that Ukraine blatantly sea cucked Moldova


Yes they are my European brothers, the real question is: If the anglosphere was nuked, would anyone even care?

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I would. These countries generally speaking don't harm anyone. Polish criminals in the UK maybe, but that's not Poland's responsibility, UK should just not let them in the country if they so choose. But especially the Baltics and Belarus, what have they done to anyone? It's precisely the fact that they're irrelevant and that no one really cares about them, that makes them deserving of being left the fuck alone.

No please nuke us

E*stern "europe" should not be considered europe

Holy cringe

baltics are hotspots of russophobia

Russophobia is a good thing tho

Leave Belarus alone

>e*stern "europe"
>human beings

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don't hurt eesti ;_;

Holy mother of Delusion