Why are the Japanese on here so uniquely terrible at English...

Why are the Japanese on here so uniquely terrible at English? Literally every other country I’ve seen on here has been proficient in English except them.

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How about us

you're an english/american colony, no doubts


American English is strange

we hate engrish

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Why would they need to learn English? It's not really a neccessity, the world does not revolve around you guys.

It doesn’t bother me. I’m just curious why every other country on here is able to speak it except them.

cuz they are not indo-europian chad

shut up mutt. then dont call me private gomez or something every time i post. whats that shit anyway. a new meme? have no clue cause i havent posted here as much as i used to.

Americans can't point out what's wrong with Japanese English because they are stupid

calm down, private sanchez.

yes i wuddu riku aa hottu doggu purisss

You’re much better for some reason

true, americans are almost worse at japanese than nips are at english

You are terribly wrong. Maybe 1 out 7 in the world speaks English.

for some reason?

ああ、ログリゲスさん。 ひさしぶりね

I’m just talking about people on this board.

>Baker? I don't even know her!

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>Over 2 billion people speak English,[1][2] making English the largest language by number of speakers,[3][circular reference] and the third largest language by number of native speakers.

shut up gonzarez. im not that shit

most korean posters are filthy expats.

This. Literally every Asian country is just as bad at English if not worse, especially SEA.

Yes, but IF they know English, they speak it in the manner that is understandable. When jepps speak it, you can barely understand them

I suspect autism unironically
They just aren't able to properly learn things from different cultures



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not as bad as me lol
they just have a strange accent and if i can understand them then its completely normal.

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>I suspect autism unironically
>They just aren't able to properly learn things from different cultures

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>Yes, but IF they know English, they speak it in the manner that is understandable
Not on Yas Forums, they don't.

Japanese has no plural forms (except for a couple of words like 人々), articles, word morphism besides endings (as opposed to irregular verbs in english for example), and a bunch of other stuff. In addition to that some things are said differently, for example most of the things that involve になる would translate to english without the use of "has/to become" but the japanese posters with poor english would sometimes write "become" unnecessarily
Korean also has these same differences
This is why their "bad english" is so similar
The most common thing I've heard from both is "many thing"

What other country can't speak English? The english level of this board is generally good except for the Japenese.

kys fernandez. i had to goggle their names and still make that mistake cause im not used to typing it

Are we actually pretending that they are real japs and not english teachers larping?


We might owe all the freedoms and wealth we are enjoying right now to United States but that doesn't necessarily mean that we are colony of America

Because we was superpower like you
I wish jap was raped by British like African
We could be a dab hand at English like African

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>being unable to understand the entire english side of the internet
i was going to add
>being unable to play untranslated western games
too, but apparently even diablo 2 has/had a japanese version

how do we improve japanese english?

List of East/Southeast Asian countries from most shitty to least shitty English:

1. Japan
2. South Korea
3. Vietnam
4. Indonesia
5. Thailand
6. Malaysia

Haven't seen enough of the other countries' posters to make a judgment. Singapore and HK don't count as they are heavily Anglified.

like i said, most korean posters are nasty expats. this shit is real. a few of them are natives. those stranger autistic anime posters like this are all native koreans i suppose.

>posts in fluent English
Sgt Rodriguez how's Okinawa
>posts in broken English
Nips can't into English lmao

Try to refute my argument at first Takeshi
Can we stop with this stupid meme? They are at least three ethnic Japanese posters on this board (Jomon schizo, schizo roastie and that one do you love my country guy) and was also one chink posting under Japanese flag
I don't know did he is still active tho

Look at Latin American
They don't even own language at all
The race having the right to make fun of japlish is only Anglo Saxon and its colony

if so
We are gooood at it and that English too

>schizo roastie