Why haven't you kysed yet?

why haven't you kysed yet?

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my mom would be sad

hold on if you about to off yourself then try praying to God, and maybe its true so he will help you..
Doesn't hurt to try then right?

You haven't really lived unless you lived like this

i wanted to kys many times but all the time i couldnt do it because my parents would be sad.
One time I really though I was gonna die and devil was gonna take me to hell with him so I prayed to God and he rescued me, ff a year my life completely changed from a failure, pothead, who just wastes time to someone who is successful is happy with life, has friends and people I can be really close with and am finishing my education in college.

wtf i thought denmark was a heathen communist shithole

yeah well everybody is atheist because they are born with silver spoons up their asses.
Im Lithuanian though.

im trying to kill myself via meditation, this is the only path

yeah its not gonna happen the voices will try to make you do it yourself

Would never spit in gods face like that. I'll cherish this opportunity even if I fall flat on my face

i'm killing myself by over-consuming sugar and caffeine. Hopefully i'll get a heart attack soon

lol how old are you

the voices? what are you on?

My time is getting close... I can feel it.

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well the more you meditate you will see that you will open yourself to spiritual realm, you can start having "thoughts" that are very strong that may come from spirits trying to tell you something.

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Surprisingly my muscles are stronger than i thought

Well if I have thoughts telling me something then I must ignore them, this is the purpose of meditating

yes but i mean after meditation you can start feeling or hearing spirits.

Slava Bogu!

Garbė Jėzui Kristui! :D

haven't finished my gaming backlog yet

>mfw I've been thinking of an hero myself
because I'm a completely human failure and I'm drowned in debts but if I kms all that debt will be passed on to my family and I don't want to be a problem even after my death so I got a full-time job this year but I lost it due to the virus pandemic and now I can't pay the debt nor killing myself
why is it so hard to kill myself bros it's not fair

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Pray to God bro, have nothing to lose.
What if its true, then he can help you. He can help you carry your burdens and make them light just give it a go bro, have nothing to lose, and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to just pray for a bit.

I'm happy with life and suicide is a mortal sin.


I'm catholic and I have prayed since I was able to speak but my words and thoughts weren't heard, years and years I asked for a sign, and I tried, but I think God has forsaken me

>all that debt will be passed on to my family

WTF Mexico. Here in Brazil if a person dies, the debt is eliminated.

>I think God has forsaken me

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I'm too much of a pussy

cause life is good for the most part thanks to my dedication to keep up with healthy actions

>I asked for a sign
There shall no sign be given to this perverse generation.

too scared

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