Did you know that Scandis and Finns sometimes speak when inhaling? So called ingressive speech...

Did you know that Scandis and Finns sometimes speak when inhaling? So called ingressive speech. Even whole sentences can be spoken in this manner.



Attached: Nordics-FOT-B.jpg (1378x1378, 264.41K)

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I do this a lot if I speak to older people or on the countryside. We don't inhale as agressively as the Norrlandic people do though.

And the most unusual sound in the Swedish language would be the "SJ" sound because it literally doesn't exist in ANY other language.


Is that sound difficult for immigrants to learn? Here immigrants find the difference between the kj sound and skj sound, and the pronunciation of the letter Ø to be difficult

>Is that sound difficult for immigrants to learn?
Yes, very. They usually either pronounce it as a "sh" sound or they make some kind of course "ch" sound like in Arabic.

Did you know people in Björneborg sometimes suck cock while inhaling?



How did you know? I'm from Björneborg but I'm not very fond of sucking cocks.

Attached: 1566132566676.jpg (960x540, 73.83K)

Heard it in Rauma

Explain this meme please

cock and balls haha :)

Attached: 740.jpg (1024x765, 152.85K)

Ursäkta, men jag förstår inte.

lol don't niggers do that too? there was that pasta of some american nigger in detroit sucking air through his teeth when he was feeling proud


Ja hänger på


Attached: xViking-Ancestors.png.pagespeed.ic.kTmEWacN2K.png (618x496, 328.88K)

Obsessed with niggers. Why?

Attached: 1562173576140.jpg (1088x614, 156.27K)

En ymmärrä tätä

Joiner, må ha noen små ting til Volvoen


Sweden's most respected master detective working on his latest case

Are ppl there really gay? Do they like Swedish bois

Yes, last summer they even had not one, but two homosex trains at the beach there.

Attached: 1582544021684.png (600x560, 399.38K)

sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet shanghai

kys fag

This triggers the Northerners/Immigrants

Please come

I know one gay guy from Pori/Björneborg/Arctopolis.