Japan is the first world

>Japan is the first world

Attached: osG0pF8.jpg (2160x2078, 474.75K)

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Soul approves

id rather live there. modern shitty buildings are really soulless

the roads are clean af. real ghettos dont look like this

that street has soul and history, unironically

ngl it looks pretty comfy and clean.
pic is from a capital city of an EU counrty in the schengen zone

Attached: j3u5esbwv0511.jpg (2000x1333, 462.8K)

tokyo is the shithole

looks comfy to be honest
nice place for NEET

Your image is a gypsy residence, right? Japanese live in the image of OP.

they have romanian citizenship, what's the difference?

>schengen zone

This is the worst a japanese poor neighborhood can get?

Every normal nation has working class man

>>Japan is the first world
Um yes?
This is Italy. Don't you see the difference idiot?

Attached: Italy.jpg (1080x1003, 391.21K)

They are not romanian though

gypsies are subhuman and thus dont count

Left looks comfy as fuck. I'd pay good money to live there.

Soul overload.

very comfy, better than american slums and ghettos

that looks comfy asf ,i'd kill to live in a neighborhood like that
i've seen way better places in my 3rd world shithole than these two pictures

kind of yes. those alleys are often seen in shitamachi area. they aren't necessarily economically poor though. i know some fairly rich old people who live in such areas.


Shutup firstoid you can't into real thirdworldism, no matter how much you try Japan will never be a thirdworld country

Day of the Jomon BVLL will come

how is your infrastructure/neighborhoods maintened? is it only from the city or do the people involve themselves with maintining their surroundings too? greeks for example dont give a fuck unless it falls in their plot of property, and public workers most often than not, dont care to maintain anything that isnt obviously broken or for aesthetic reasons.

lol there's gaijins trying to be funny

infrastructure is maintained by municipality. private assets including building and surroundings are done by residents or residents' association.

This is a European capital

Attached: sofia.jpg (1920x1080, 678.15K)

>Clean streets.
>Comfy setting.
>Not crowded af
Oh no. Woe is me I live in a first world country.

looks cozy as fuck

Looks like a poor neighborhood in India. Are some EU countries that poor?

That looks good to me, what more do you want? A moving sidewalk?
1st world status isn't always visible in a material way, for example kidnapping isn't a serious thing for you to worry about

Listen here
Penis in vagina make sound, Plocplocploc.
Now put it on your head and never forget

I can't stand that amount of soul

This looks fucking beautiful

>Looks like a poor neighborhood in India

Funny you should say that since Gypsies can trace their roots back to India. They eventually got driven out by the Pajeets though

yes, needs more soul, like pic

Attached: 1587285002723.jpg (1200x627, 236.66K)

wtf do you think 'first world' means ? space elevators and fusion reactors on every street ?


Attached: IMG_20200422_043317__save.jpg (600x800, 323.84K)

post a ghetto from japan, davido-kun