Do you get tonsil stones?

A few years ago I used to get one every few months.
In rceent years I haven't had one.
I am glad beacsue they smell like shit.

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I used to from about 16-22. I kinda miss removing them.

How can you tell?

Do you know why you got them?

i dont have tonsils

literally a myth

Is that what those are? Spat one out a week ago. I remember when I was younger I could put my tongue behind the uvula and above the roof of my mouth.

only non whites have this

Not since i quit smoking.

Never even heard of them before.


yeah right.

I had mine removed when I was 8 and it hurt a LOT
but I still don't know what's a tonsil or tonsil stones because I didn't bother searching...

No. Why?

speaking from my ass, tonsil stones are bacteria that the body covers and cements to prevent infection.

I got them out when I was a kid, painful recovery for about a week

>Do you know why you got them?
I think I got them from putting my tongue into a vagina.

haha gross.
did you get the favor back?

do you just get these formations there without any other symptoms? I've had Tonsillitis dozens of times, used to have it a couple times a year when I was young, and the pus there always came with 39-40 degree fever.

I got them once when I was like 16 and thought that it was cancer.
Scariest day of my life tbqh.

I don't know

I thought I was the only one with this. They do smell like shit. I used to cough and these shite appear

you say that because you get them?

I've got them right now, every now and then I get some to come out but I haven't been able to get rid of them.
Is there an easy way to get them out?


I love getting these since I like smelling them after I cough them out. Sometimes they just fall out, which is great since it's like a surprise. I even try to get them out manually. It's a bit dangerous I hear, but it kind of annoys me knowing that there is a big chunk of gunk in my throat that I can't get out.

Sometimes I can feel them on the back of my throat when I swallow my saliva. Cotton swabs are no help, but a few times I've happened to get them out by sneezing.

I've only ever seen them on the internet. I haven't had them nor have I ever heard that someone I know has had them.

>t. watches Dr. Pimple Popper videos

I get them every now and then but I can't tell if they smell
Saying that I have a very bad sense of smell