Sea Germans vs Mountain Germans

Which one are more German than the other?

Attached: Flag-Pins-Netherlands-Austria.jpg (400x320, 59.74K)

the mountain german is better in every aspect to the swamp creature

inb4 austrian autist being mad

You guys are still seething?

we have absolutely nothing to do with germans, unlike austrians
subhumans will be subhumans, same with portuguese and greek posters

We are not germans. We are germanic
Do you need another beating, manlet? Watch out or I'll come to your country with my caravan and clog the local bars and beaches

Austrians or Dutch, who are more in denial that they are Germans?

yummy, n*rdick tears

Austrians and Germans speak the same language. We don't

I long for the day the Dutch admit that they’re swamp German and the Danish admit they’re island Germans