My ancestor :)

My ancestor :)

Attached: Screenshot_20200422-123105~2.png (1080x1627, 281.13K)

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sneedestor :^)

gay sex is great with swedes
t. björneborg


Please respond


how did Sweden lose Finland in the first place?

The borders are completely off, especially in the south.

autistic king and russians

>how did Sweden lose Finland in the first place?

Dude just say Ryssen,

do many fins immigrate to sweden?

Attached: 1577550049139.png (800x600, 122.03K)

Its from wikipedia

>do many fins immigrate to sweden?

Well its perhaps not completely off but they put most of Småland in Denmark which is very inaccurate

Attached: Screenshot_20200422-121619_Chrome.jpg (1480x720, 287.83K)

all me

Not compared to 50s to 60s

what kind of jobs do they work?

ughhhhhhh what could have been

Attached: Swedish Empire.png (800x942, 383.49K)


>what kind of jobs do they work?
Those that live here mostly work in industry and construction etc. Definigely poorer than average but richer than Arabs etc.

remember when swedes used finns like cannon fodders in all their wars, taxed them to death and didn't help them during famines and constantly let their lands get invaded and raped by russians and then finally lost half of their country because a 15 year old boy king wanted to steal meatball recipes from the ottoturks? lol

Attached: 1569957202748.jpg (208x259, 15.73K)

I'm not in this map. I can't believe it

I found one of them

>I'm not in this map. I can't believe it
Var kommer du från?

>obvious immigrant thinks the great northern war is the same as the finnish war
Cringe, we're talking a 100 year difference here. I'm Scanian and they shoved hot iron up our asses. Not even joking. We were also sent to the Baltics like 30 000 of us


Når finner immigrerer til Sverige, snakker de som regel engelsk eller svensk i jobbsammenheng? Hvor gode er finner i det svenske språket?

Så du är den mest baserade rasen i Norden? Najs.

Attached: 1573148488322.png (2000x1500, 855.69K)

De snackar svenska

>Hvor gode er finner i det svenske språket?

>Hvor gode er finner i det svenske språket?
De bryter när de talar

Mark is not a Finn you retard

>Levengood föddes på en militärbas i North Carolina, där hans far var amerikansk soldat. Familjen flyttade sedan till moderns hemland Finland, och Mark Levengood växte med sina syskon upp i Helsingfors.[2]
>Mark Levengood är sedan 1980-talet verksam i Sverige. Han kom som 19-åring till Sverige

>>>>>Mark Levengood växte med sina syskon upp i Helsingfors
>>>>>Han kom som 19-åring till Sverige

Høres ut som en jøde.

Han är jänkare vilket är ungefär samma sak som att vara jöde

an irish lad conquered it