I feel bad for Germans. We did empire mode too but we didn't lost lands lol
I feel bad for Germans. We did empire mode too but we didn't lost lands lol
you lost Sakhalin and Kuril Islands tho
>feel bad
they got their reichin the end what did u get? anime?
you only chimped out once
you didnt get divived korea style becaude FDR died and truman wanted an ally in asia by all acount you nips deserved the same treatment
The natives there were Ainu. We only settled there like 100 years ago
>actually including sudatenland and austria as historical german territories
it was rightful polish clay tho
Why doesn't Austria count as an "ethnic territory"?
lmao, stupid amerisharts think there's a difference between sudetenland germans and Austrian Germans. Shit the same.
>Austrians aren't Germans
t. Zionist
shutup BBC sweden
It's literally the case of "start shit get hit"
Why are Swedish "people" so retarded?
See Also thanks for your service, Davido-kun
Start shit get hit is a bad cope with no actual argument.
>Why are Swedish "people" so retarded
Name one difference between Austrians and Sudeten Germans. I'll wait.
snowflake, youre not special and austrians are not a different ethnicity
>start a war that kille 60 million people
>do it all because muh master race muh living space
>cry that you lost territory as punishment
You guys are all Germanic
I have some ancestors from Germany but I consider myself mostly Germanic (although some Celtic might be mixed in there)
When we signed the 1947 peace treaty with the Allies the French only took mountain peaks from us lmao
Wow they lost this land after they had it for one generation. Truely remarkable and history changing.
Based, why are austrians thinking that having a funny accent makes them their own ethnicity?
Why? So they can go Skii?
Did Mussolini try to take back Corsica?
>Did Mussolini try to take back Corsica?
Austrians or Dutch, which are more distinct?
>japanese banter
>after they had it for one generation
Based retard. These regions had been German for more than 800 years.
Isnt Corsica more Italian than North Africa? wtf
>You guys are all Germanic
>I have some ancestors from Germany but I consider myself mostly Germanic (although some Celtic might be mixed in there)
Listen Davido-Kun, Scandinavians aren't the same as Germans. South Germans are half Celtic mutts and East Germans half Slavic.
Japonic peoples have never lived there
Have their own language which is barely understandable for the average German and have some cultural differences
Do not have their own language, speak a dialect similar like bavarians and are culturally like most of South Germany
Your post is a bad cope with no actual argument.
Those territories going back to Poland was strictly a measure of punishment executed by the allies. Outside of minor nationalist movements there was no push or attempt to get these territories back from Germany before the war due to the ethnic composition of these territories as a result of over 100 years of German effort to minimize the role of Poles in these areas.
It took us years to gather up the german speaking people and kick them the fuck out and over a decade to resettle them back with Polish citizens.
It's not under "ethnic territory lost" because ethnic Germans still live there idiot
Mussolini only annexed what the italian army conquered by arms
Italy briefly attacked France in 1940 and they didn't take that well obviously. So when the negotiations for the peace treaty came, the French took the mountain peaks as a symbol of retribution and they also took soms very small pieces of hunting lands that had been given by France to the Kingdom of Sardinia as a gift in times of friendship.
Is the territory now transferred to Poland important in German history? I heard Kaliningrad is a pretty important place for the Germans.
All in all they didn't really take anything important because Italy had been an allied co-belligerent
>go to war
>lose the war
>lose territory
Yes, have you never heard of Prussia?
>German states allowed to exist
>expelled Germans allowed to settle in West Germany instead of deportation in the Soviet Union or worse
>West Germany spared Communism and Soviet rule
>Germany eventually allowed to partially reunify
It was actually not that bad compared to what other nations endured, especially in Eastern Europe.
>It's not under "ethnic territory lost" because ethnic Germans still live there idiot
It was listed as "territory lost" you retard. Austria was designated as a "territory lost" while other territories were "ethnic territory lost". Learn how to read
Almost all cultural ties have been cut, maybe some people have grandparents from there and there are references to these places in literature but it has no influence on everyday life
yes germany thread
Austria is "territory lost" because it was lost by the German state
Other areas are "ethnic territory lost" because ethnic Germans in general do not live in them anymore
You learn how to read you retarded ESL somali faggot.
Too bad it had to be Yas Forums tier nationalist sperging :/
>You learn how to read you retarded ESL somali faggot
Oh right, so lost means one thing in the first example and then something completely else in the next one? Fine, I guess that makes sense but it's a retarded way to write it.
Also your bantz skills are Amerishart tier.
Then I don't think it's very different then Tsushima. This region has been ruled by Korea and Japan alternately from the past, and there are still many Korean remains, but most South Koreans don't even care.
>Thread about nations and borders
>Features nationalistic posts
I simply CANNOT believe it. Why can't this be another Swedo-global hugfest with speakers such as Jesse Jackson who can teach us their ways.
I didn't say there's anything wrong with nationalism, it's the sperging