Only 2 groups of people from here accomplished good things

And they both lived off oat, berry, and milk.
They have the best languages.
They have the best culture.
They are the most intelligent.
They are the Scots.

Attached: Britain_and_Ireland_satellite_image_bright.png (1024x1177, 2.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Rinn an ceòl le deòin mo thàladh
Dlùth do rìbinn donn nam blàth-shul
'S i ag ùrnaigh ris an Àrd-Rìgh
"Dìon mo ghràdh 'th' air àird a' chuain"
Bha a cridh' le gaol gu sgàineadh
Nuair a ghlac mi fhèin air làimh i
Siab do dheòir, do ghaol tha sàbhailt
Thill mi slàn bhàrr àird a' chuain

sorry. I don't speak gaelic.

you are a celt

I am a scot.

why do Americans wank off the Irish but not the Scottish?

scots are celts

Andrew Carnegie, once the richest man in the world and the man who wrote the book on achieving whatever you want in life, who built over 2500+ libraries in the world, was a scot

"celt" was a term made up by 18th century historians in an attempt to try and exterminate the welsh, irish and so on by saying they were all the one people. it is a completely meaningless term.
>scots build libraries and encourage the rich to give away their wealth to the poor
>English go to other continents and exterminate the natives then force the scots, irish and africans to be slave there
two opposite people.

can you tell me where you think the word "scot" comes from?

the word scot originally comes from the latin word (or that is the earliest source of it) scotia and scottii which meant inhabitant of Ireland. this later came to mean as the roman empire expanded to mean gaelic speakers since they found them living in Caledonia as well as Ireland. later it came to mean anyone that was a citizen/subject of Scotland.

and why do you think they applied this word to scotland? what ethnic group do gaels belong to?

I see Normandy though

reminder the scots were so inept they bankrupted themselves trying to set up colonies in central america and came begging england to bail them out. scotland had no success without their big dicked big brother england holding their hand

He's not a gael

England promised to trade with the colony before it was set then after they arrived England refused to trade and it collapsed. Being bombed by the Spanish didn't help either.

the gaels were gaels…
I don't understand.
no one used the term "celt" to describe themselves until the 19th century.
what does it mean to be "celtic"?
it doesn't mean anything.

you are a gael, a celt, call it what you will, it doesn't change the facts, scots are a celtic people, a gaelic people

>you are a gael, a celt, call it what you will, it doesn't change the facts, scots are a celtic people, a gaelic people
He's a l*wlander

what does celtic mean?
what is celtic culture?
what is celtic language?
what is celtic relgion?
it is a meaningless term.

*invents everything*

>what is celtic language?
Gaelic, Welsh, Breton, Manx, Cornish etc.

>what is Celtic culture
There is a cultural bond between the peoples and cultures I just mentioned

>just exposed he is pretending to be different people by using different vpns

celtic culture is believed to have originated in either halstatt austria or from the west atlantic coastline, and includes insular art, ogham, water-raised crannogs, the carnyx, body painting, and accounts of the native britons and caledonians from writers like caesar and tacitus
celtic languages include the irish, welsh, pictish and british languages

>Hey guys I'm Germanic man from England.
>Hey guys I am one of the indo-europeans from Europe!
might as well just get on with saying one race the human race.

>just exposed he is pretending to be different people by using different vpns
No? I mentioned Cornish etc. in the same post

look mate you're a celt alright you're a bogger, a paddy, a taig

Nah he's just a Northumbrian that got so cucked by the Gaelic Scots that he started referring to himself as one of them

>im irish even though my ancestors have nothing to do with Ireland and the are I live in never had irish spoken in it
what does it mean to be celtic?
you still haven't answered because it is an entirely linguistic term.

scots have quite a bit of northumbrian in them i won't deny that
what do you want a maths proof? you know i'm right and you're wagging the dog because you're still going through your john pinkerton phase

by the time the Scottish conquered Lothian it was still majority Welsh with a Northumbrian ruling class.
It has nothing to do with John Pinkerton.
The point is Scotland is Gaelic not "celtic".
Celtic is a racist, evil and genocidal term.
It has no use in the modern world.